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A - Introduction
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A1 - Basic Materials and Measurements
A2 - Mathematics
B - Statics
All demonstrations in category
B1 - Center of Mass Statics
B2 - Equilibrium of Forces and Torques
B3 - Simple Machines
B4 - Elasticity
C - Kinematics and Dynamics
All demonstrations in category
C1 - Kinematics in One and Two Dimensions
C2 - First Law of Motion
C3 - Second Law of Motion
C4 - Third Law of Motion
C5 - Friction
C6 - Collisions
C7 - Mechanical Energy and Power
D - Rotational Mechanics
All demonstrations in category
D1 - Rotational Kinematics and Dynamics
D2 - Moment of Inertia
D3 - Angular Momentum
D4 - Gyroscopes
D5 - Rotational Esoterica
E - Gravitation and Astronomy
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E2 - Astronomy
F - Fluid Dynamics
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F1 - Pressure in Static Fluids
F2 - Buoyancy
F4 - Pressure in Moving Fluids
G - Vibrations and Mechanical Waves
All demonstrations in category
G1 - Simple Harmonic Motion
G2 - Resonance and Coupled Oscillations
G3 - Mechanical Waves, 1D
G4 - Mechanical Waves, 2D
H - Sound
All demonstrations in category
H1 - Nature of Sound
H2 - Wave Properties of Solid
H3 - Standing Sound Waves
H4 - Music
H5 - The Ear
I - Thermodynamics
All demonstrations in category
I1 - Thermal Properties of Matter
I2 - Transfer of Heat
I3 - Gases
I4 - Changes of State
I5 - Laws of Thermodynamics
I6 - Solid State and Low Temperature Physics
J - Electrostatics and Magnetostatics
All demonstrations in category
J1 - Electrostatic Force and Charge
J2 - Electrostatic Devices and Applications
J3 - Electric Fields and Potential
J4 - Capacitance and Polarization
J5 - Magnetostatics
K - Electromagnetic Principles
All demonstrations in category
K1 - Forces on Moving Charges
K2 - Electromagnetic Induction
K4 - Motors and Generators
K5 - Electrical Properties of Matter
K6 - Electrical Circuits and Instruments
K7 - RLC Circuits
L - Geometrical Optics
All demonstrations in category
L1 - Light Sources and Light Rays
L2 - Plane Mirrors
L3 - Curved Mirrors
L4 - Refraction
L5 - Total Internal Reflection
L6 - Lenses
M - Wave Optics
All demonstrations in category
M1 - Interference and Diffraction - Slits and Gratings
M2 - Thin Film Interference
M3 - Interference and Diffraction
M4 - Polarization and Scattering
N - Spectra and Color
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N1 - Continuous Spectra
N2 - Line Spectra
O - Vision
All demonstrations in category
O1 - Image Production
P - Modern Physics
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P1 - Quantum Mechanics
P2 - Atoms and Molecules
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G - Vibrations and Mechanical Waves
G4 - Mechanical Waves, 2D
G4 - Mechanical Waves, 2D
G4-10 Chladni Plate