The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom.
B.A. in Physics
The B.A. program is designed for students who are interested in physics, but would like to have a broader education. The mission of this program is to provide students with working knowledge of fundamental laws of physics sufficient to pursue careers in allied fields while ensuring that they are prepared to pursue graduate studies should they choose this path.
B.A. in Applied Physics
This program is focused more strongly on developing the knowledge base and laboratory skills towards an applied science/technology career. Students enrolled in this program are not required to take matrhematically heavy theoretical courses, which are substituted with mandatory technology oriented courses. This program is ideal for students who want to proceed with a degree in engineering as a part of the 3-2 program with Columbia University or to work toward an M.S. degree in Photonics. Within the 3-2 program with Columbia University, students will spend three years at Queens receiving a BA degree in a liberal arts field, and two years at Columbia obtaining a B.S. in an engineering discipline.
B.S. in Physics
The mission of the B.S. program is to prepare students for professional careers in physics and related disciplines and prepare them for pursuing advanced degree in physics. To fulfill this mission, the curriculum of this program includes the courses covering the most fundamental areas of Physics (Classical Mechanics, Optics, Electrodynamics, Statistical Physics and Thermodynamics, Quantum Mechanics, Mathematical Methods for Physicists), and a number of more specialized courses reflecting research specialization of the faculty members. Students in this program are strongly encouraged to take advantage of multiple research opportunities provided by the faculty members.
Minor in Physics
The mission of the Minor in Physics is to provide maximum flexibility to satisfy the needs of a highly disparate population of students with majors in other departments, who still would like to gain some knowledge of basic physics either to complement their major or to satisfy their human curiosity.