
That is the essence of science: ask an impertinent question, and you are on the way to a pertinent answer.

Jacob Bronowski

Article in Nature Communications

Jan 29, '19:
Matthieu Davy and Azriel Genack published the article "Selectively exciting quasi-normal modes in open disordered systems," in Nature Communications

Using effective Hamiltonian theory, microwave experiment and numerical simulations, the transmission matrix is utilized to achieve maximal excitation of and discrimination between quasinormal modes of open disordered systems. This opens up the possibility of controlling the lifetime and profile of excitation inside a medium via the transmission matrix. The fundamental question of the variation of modal selectivity upon the degree of modal correlation and spectral overlap in open non-Hermitian systems is posed and answered in important respects. Analogous results should apply to quantum electronic and nuclear systems. 

The experimental set up with the cover removed to show the scattering disks and an image of a single mode is shown in the figure below.