
It is a good morning exercise for a research scientist to discard a pet hypothesis every day before breakfast. It keeps him young.

Konrad Lorenz

M.S. in Photonics learning outcomes

  •  Acquire a theoretical knowledge base in photonics related areas of physics (Optics, Electrodynamics, Physics of Semiconductors, Quantum Mechanics)
  • Develop understanding of application of fundamental laws of physics in such engineering areas as telecommunications, optoelectronics, nano and microfabrication, growth techniques
  • Learn fundamentals of computerized modeling of diverse optical  and photonics systems and gain working experience with standard computational tools used in industry.
  • Acquire essential laboratory skills in designing experiments, assembling standard optical tools for optical experimentation, carrying out measurements with  customary optical instruments and analyzing acquired data
  • Become familiar with economics and management of photonics related engineering projects
  • Learn to communicate scientific and engineering ideas both orally and in written form
  • Acquire experience working in industrial or research lab settings as a part of a team.