The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom.
F.J. Cadieu, "Permanent Magnet Films for Applications, Chapter 1 Magnetic Film", Devices volume of the Handbook on Thin Film Devices Technology and Applications, editors: J. Douglas Adam and Maurice H. Francombe, Academic Press, Inc., 2000.
F. J. Cadieu, Li Chen, Biao Li, and T. Theodoropoulos, "Room Temperature La0.7Sr0.3MnO3", Appl. Phys. Letters 75, 3369 (1999).
Li Chen, Biao Li, C. F. Cadieu, T. Theodoropoulos, and F. J. Cadieu, "Nanophase Dispersed SmCo Films with High Remanence and Corrosion Resistance", J. Appl. Phys. 87, 6128 (2000).
M. Levy, R. M. Osgood, Jr., H. Hegde, F. J. Cadieu, R. Wolfe, and V. J. Fratello, "Integrated Optical Isolators With Sputter-Deposited Thin-Film Magnets", Photonics Technology Letters 8, 903 (1996).
F.J. Cadieu, "Permanent Magnet Thin Films" in Physics of Thin Films, Vol. 16, Academic Press, San Diego, 1992.
F.J. Cadieu, H. Hegde, A. Navarathna, R. Rani, and K. Chen, "High Energy Product ThMn12 Sm-Fe-T and Sm-Fe Permanent Magnets Synthesized As Oriented Sputtered Films", Appl. Phys. Letters 59, 875 (1991).
A. Navarathna, H. Hegde, R. Rani, K. Chen, and F.J. Cadieu, "The Magnetic Properties of Oriented High Anisotropy Nd(Fe,Co,Mo)12Nx Samples", IEEE Trans. on Magnetics 29, 2812 (1993).
F. J. Cadieu, "Recent Advances In Pseudobinary Iron Based Permanent Magnets", International Materials Reviews 40, 137 (1995)