001.1 Conceptual Physics Laboratory,2 lab. hr., 1 cr.
Laboratory component of the Conceptual Physics course. Includes experiments in the areas of optics and electromagnetism.
Notes: Must be taken initially with Physics 001.4. May be taken alone if a passing grade has been received in Physics 001.4.
001.4 Conceptual Physics,2 lec., 2 rec. hr., 4 cr.
11th year mathematics or equivalent, or Mathematics 110
This course is designed for non-science majors. Topics include mechanics, heat, electricity and magnetism, and modern physics. The course emphasizes a conceptual understanding of the material rather than computational problem solving, although some computation will be required. The objective is to develop an analytical way of thinking.
Notes: Not open to students who have received credit for Physics 103, 121, or 145.
005 Physics and the Future,3 lec. hr., 3 cr.
Acquaints students with the fundamental ideas and ways of thinking that will enable them to understand and make informed judgments regarding key technical issues upon which the well-being of our society increasingly depends. The question of sustainability will be examined in light of our planet's limited resources, our environmental footprint, global economic growth, scientific and technological innovation, and political organization and choices.
007 Introduction to the Physics of Musical Sounds,3 hr., 3 cr.
A course for liberal arts students who have an interest in music and sound. Physical phenomena that relate to music and sound will be presented. Topics include origins, nature and transmission of sound waves, sound reception and perception, musical scales and temperament, the physics of different musical instruments, and sected special topics. Demonstration devices are available for illustration of permanent concepts.
103 Physics for Computer Science I,3 lec., 1 rec., 2 lab. hr., 4 cr.
Mathematics 142 or 152
Basic concepts of classical physics. Newtonian mechanics, thermodynamics, and electromagnetic theory.
121.1 General Physics I Laboratory,2 lab. hr., 1 cr.
Laboratory component of the General Physics I course. Includes experiments in the areas of mechanics and thermodynamics.
Notes: Must be taken initially with Physics 121.4. May be taken alone if a passing grade has been received in Physics 121.4.
121.4 General Physics I,4 lec. and rec. hr., 4 cr.
Trigonometry and algebra equivalent to Mathematics 122
A non-calculus based course primarily for majors in life sciences, pre-health professions, and liberal arts. Mechanics, thermodynamics, kinetic theory, and sound. No previous knowledge of physics required.
Notes: Must be taken initially with Physics 121.1. May be taken alone if a passing grade has been received in Physics 121.1.
122.1 General Physics II Laboratory,2 lab. hr., 1 cr.
Laboratory component of the General Physics II course. Includes experiments in the areas of optics and electromagnetism.
Notes: Must be taken initially with Physics 122.4. May be taken alone if a passing grade has been received in Physics 122.4.
122.4 General Physics II,4 lec. and rec. hr., 4 cr.
Electricity and magnetism, geometrical and physical optics, and an introduction to modern physics.
Notes: Must be taken initially with Physics 122.1. May be taken alone if a passing grade has been received in Physics 122.1.
145.1 Principles of Physics I Laboratory,2 lab. hr., 1 cr.
Laboratory component of the Principles of Physics I course. Includes experiments in the areas of mechanics and thermodynamics.
Notes: Must be taken initially with Physics 145.4. May be taken alone if a passing grade has been received in Physics 145.4.
145.4 Principles of Physics I,4 lec. and rec. hr., 4 cr.
Mathematics 142 or 151
A calculus-based course intended for students who plan to study physical sciences or engineering. Fundamental principles and laws of mechanics, thermodynamics, kinetic-molecular theory, and sound.
Notes: Must be taken initially with Physics 145.1. May be taken alone if a passing grade has been received in Physics 145.1.
146.1 Principles of Physics II Laboratory,2 lab. hr., 1 cr.
Laboratory component of the Principles of Physics II course. Includes experiments in the areas of electricity, magnetism, and optics.
Notes: Must be taken initially with Physics 146.4. May be taken alone if a passing grade has been received in Physics 146.4.
146.4 Principles of Physics II,4 lec. and rec. hr., 4 cr.
Physics 121 or 145 and either Mathematics 143 or 152
Electricity, magnetism, and optics.
Notes: Must be taken initially with Physics 146.1. May be taken alone if a passing grade has been received in Physics 146.1.
204 Physics for Computer Science II,3 lec., 1 rec., 2 lab. (every other week) hr., 4 cr.
Either Physics 103, 122, or 146
Introduction to the principles and methods of quantum physics with application to atoms and solids in general and semiconductors in particular. Analysis of the characteristics of semiconductor devices in computer logic circuitry.
207 Introduction to Modern Physics for Engineers,3 hr., 3 cr.
Physics 122 or 146
An introductory course in the ideas and experiments leading to the Relativity and Quantum theories and to our present models of atoms, nuclei, molecules, and the solid state.
221 Optoelectronics,3 hr., 3 cr.
An investigation of the fundamental principles and applications of light transmission in solids, light emitting diodes, optical fiber systems, and semiconductor lasers.
222 Optics,3 hr., 3 cr.
Physics 146 or 122 and Math 201
Geometric optics, periodic and non-periodic waves; Doppler effect; interference and diffraction, diffraction gratings; theory of polarization of light; fiber optics and introduction to lasers
225 Introduction to Solid State Electronics,3 rec., 3 lab. hr., 4 cr.
Physics 103, or 122, or 146
An introduction to the physical properties of thermionic and solid state electronic devices.
227 Physical Principles of Telecommunications,3 hr., 3 cr.
Physics 103, or 122, or 146
Fundamental concepts and recent trends in radio, television, telephony, and computer networks are addressed. Topics include analog and digital signal processing, information theory and coding, coax and fiber transmission, antennas, and satellites.
233,234 Intermediate Methods of Mathematical Physics,3 hr., 3 each semester cr.
Physics 122, or 146, Mathematics 201
Specific mathematical methods used in advanced courses in physics.
233. Differential equations, vector differential and integral calculus.
234. Laplace transforms, Fourier analysis, complex analysis.
233.1 Intermediate Methods of Mathematical Physics for Physics-Science Education Majors,1 hr., 1 cr.
Physics 122 or 146, Mathematics 201.
Specific mathematical methods used in advanced courses in physics.
235 Classical Physics Laboratory,4 hr., 2 cr.
Physics 103, 122, or 146
Physics 103, 122, or 146
A basic course in laboratory techniques intended to teach the basic tools of experimental methods in physics. Experiments drawn from electricity and magnetism, mechanics, heat, and optics. Required for all physics majors.
237 Mechanics,4 hr., 4 cr.
Physics 146, 233 or 233.1, Mathematics 201
Development of classical mechanics covering Newton's laws, conservation theorems, oscillations, Lagrange and Hamilton formulations, central force motion, noninertial systems, and rigid body motion.
242 Thermodynamics,3 hr., 3 cr.
Physics 146, Mathematics 201
Thermodynamic systems in equilibrium, entropy, thermodynamic potentials, phase transitions, and kinetic theory.
243 Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics,4 hr., 4 cr.
Physics 146, Mathematics 201
This course covers the thermodynamic laws and potentials, entropy, phase transitions, and classical and quantum statistical physics with application to physical systems.
260 Introduction to Modern Physics,4 hr., 4 cr.
Physics 146, Mathematics 201
An introduction to quantum and nuclear physics and the principles of special relativity. The objective is to explain the experimental basis for the transition from classical to modern physics.
265 Electrical Circuits,3 hr., 3 cr.
Circuit elements and their voltage-current relationships; Kirschoff's laws. Elementary circuit analysis. Continuos signals. Differential equations and their application to circuit theory. State variable equations. First and Second order systems. Introduction to MicroCap III for circuit analysis. This course is part of the Engineering Core Curriculum at City College .
270 Physics Applications of Machine Learning,3 hr., 3 cr.
A practical introduction to data-driven science and engineering and using machine learning to analyze experimental data and theoretical models in natural sciences. Provides contemporary skills valuable for careers in technology, including an introduction to MATLAB (and Python).
280 Introduction to Cosmology,3 hr., 3 cr.
Topics include the thermal history of the universe; the cosmic microwave background radiation; cosmic expansion and its relation to matter and energy; and dark matter, dark energy, and the shortcomings of the standard Big Bang scenario. The course ends with a discussion of cosmic inflation. General relativity is not used.
310 Electromagnetism 1,4 hr., 4 cr.
Physics 122 or 146 and 233
Electrostatics, boundary value problems, electric fields in matter, magnetostatics, Maxwell's equations, electromagnetic waves, radiation.
311 Electromagnetism 2,4 hr., 4 cr.
Maxwell's equations, propagation and radiation of electromagnetic waves; electromagnetic waves in conductors and dielectrics.
320W Current Issues in Physics,3 hr., 3 cr.
Six credits in physics at the 200 level
Students will explore the current literature in physics while developing skills in the preparation of abstracts, publications, proposals, and oral presentations. They will become familiar with library research tools, Microsoft Office applications, professional resources in physics, and publication ethics.
Notes: May not be used as an elective in the physics major.
345 Solid State Physics,4 hr., 4 cr.
Physics 243 and 260
Students will be exposed to basic ideas of the modern physics of solids. Crystal symmetry and reciprocal lattice will be covered in conjunction with experimental methods designed to study the structure of solids. Vibrational, electrical, magnetic and optical properties of solids will be considered on the basis of the quantum mechanical description.
365 Principles of Quantum Mechanics,4 hr., 4 cr.
Physics 233 or 234, 260, 237
Quantum states, operators and observables, postulates of quantum mechanics, uncertainty principle, solution of Shrodinger's equation for a free particle, particle in a box, harmonic oscillator, and hydrogen atom, time-dependent and time independent perturbation theories, spin, statistics, and exchange phenomena.
377 Modern Physics Laboratory,4 hr., 2 cr.
Physics 235 or permission of instructor
Experiments are drawn from atomic, nuclear, and solid state physics, modern optics, and electronics.
Notes: Physics 377 is required for physics majors.
380 Colloquium,1 hr., 1 cr.
Permission of the department
Topic for each semester announced in advanced. Offered primarily for juniors and seniors. This course may be taken 4 times in 4 different semesters for credit.
381,382 Seminar,See below hr., See below cr.
Permission of department
381.1, 3 hr. lab.; 1 cr.
381.2, 2 hr. lec.; 2 cr.;
381.3, 2hr. lec. 3 hr. lab.; 3 cr.;
382.1, 3 hr. lab., 1 cr.;
382.2, 2 hr. lec., 2 cr.;
382.3, 2 hr. lec., 3 hr. lab; 3 cr
Selected topics of current interest.
383 Special Topics,3 hr., 3 cr.
Permission of department.
390 Internship,135 hr., 3 cr.
A letter of acceptance detailing the research project from the program/company to which the student is applying; permission of the Physics major adviser.
Notes: The student's grade will be determined by both the employer's and faculty sponsor's evaluations of the student's performance, based on midterm and final reports.
391-393 Special Problems,See below hr., See below cr.
Permission of department
391, 3 hr.; 1 cr.;
392, 6 hr.; 2 cr.;
393, 9 hr.; 3 cr.
Each student accepted works on a minor research problem under the supervision of a member of the staff.
Notes: Open to a limited number of physics majors.
395W Senior Research Project I,6 hr., 2 cr.
3.0 departmental average; completion of at least 9 credits in physics at the 200 level or above, permission of the department.
The first semester of a two-semester sequence (395, 396). The student will engage in significant research under the supervision of a faculty mentor, and will complete a paper covering background, techniques, and status of the research.
396W Senior Research Project II,9 hr., 3 cr.
Completion of PHY 395 with a minimum grade of 3.0.
A continuation of PHY 395, where the student will complete his or her research project, and summarize the results in a research paper and talk. The written and oral presentations will be evaluated by a committee consisting of the faculty mentor and two other faculty members.
The following graduate courses are open to qualified
undergraduate students with permission of department:
501 Modern Aspects of Physics,4 hr., 4 cr.
A course for teachers providing discussion of selected topics in mechanics, electronics, atomic and nuclear physics.
Notes: Not open to candidates for the MA degree in Physics.
503 History of Science,4 hr., 4 cr.
Designed as a graduate course for all science teachers working toward their MS in Science Education and for science majors and approved undergrads, it spans the development of science and technology among the world cultures as well as the critical thinking, scientific methodology and mathematics refined in parallel with these discoveries.
601 Introduction to Mathematical Physics,3 hr., 3 cr.
A course in mechanics and an approved mathematics background.
Selected topics in Mechanics, thermodynamics, electrostatics, magnetostatics, the electromagnetic field, and the restricted theory of relativity. The mathematical methods developed include such topics as linear and partial differential equations, the calculus variations, normal and curvilinear coordinates, expansion of a function as a series of orthogonal functions, vector, tensor, and matrix analysis.
611 Analytical Mechanics,4 hr., 4 cr.
An undergraduate course in mechanics and an approved mathematics background
Analytical mechanics of particles and rigid bodies. Free and forced oscillations; coupled systems; vibrating strings and membranes;
Use of numerical integration and power series, vector and tensor analysis, Lagrange's and Hamilton's equation. Fourier series and Bessel functions.
615.1 Electromagnetic theory - I,4 hr., 4 cr.
An undergraduate course in electromagnetism and mathematics approved by the Department
Topics will include: electrostatics, Poisson and Laplace equations, special techniques: method of images, separation of variables, and multipole expansion, electric fields in matter, magnetostatics, magnetic fields in matter.
615.2 Electromagnetic Theory - 2,4 hr., 4 cr.
Topics will include: electromagnetic waves in vacuum, electromagnetic waves in media, wave guides, Lienard-Wiechert potentials, dipole radiation, special theory of relativity, relativistic electrodynamics.
616 Applied electrodynamics,4 hr., 4 cr.
graduate standing and/or permission of department
Topics will include: electrostatic properties of conductors and dielectrics, multipole expansion, plasmons and plasmonic resonance, magnetostatics and magnetic polarization, Maxwell's equations, theory of ac circuits, electromagnetic waves, radiation, antennas and antenna arrays.
620 Research and Writing in Sciences,3 hr., 3 cr.
graduate standing and permission of department
Topics include preparation of abstracts, technical publications, conference presentations, and curriculum vitae. Ethical issues in scientific research will be addressed through case studies and examination of relevant technical and popular literature. Students will explore literature pertaining to their research interests, and present reviews to the class in written and oral formats.
621 Optoelectronics,3 hr., 3 cr.
This course will cover the physics of optoelectronic devices addressing both theoretical and experimental aspects. Topics to be covered include: historical survey of optical communication, electromagnetic waves, waveguides, photonic crystals, microcavities, mechanism of light emission and absorption in semiconductors, lasers, photodetectors, solar cells, and nonlinear optics.
622 Physics of Lasers,4 hr., 4 cr.
Principles of operation of solid, liquid, and gas lasers and application of lasers to research.
623 Principles of Telecommunications,4 hr., 4 cr.
The course will cover fundamental concepts in analog and digital communication systems, with application to radio, television, telephony, and computer networks.
625 Fundamentals of Quantum Mechanics,4 hr., 4 cr.
grad standing and/or an undergraduate course in modern physics and an approved mathematics background
Topics will include: formalism of quantum mechanics (operators, state vectors, probabilistic interpretation), quantum-mechanical effects in potential wells and barriers (tunneling, resonant transmission, bound states), quantum harmonic oscillator, quantum angular momentums (orbital and spin), hydrogen atom, identical particles in quantum mechanics
626 Applied Quantum Mechanics,4 hr., 4 cr.
Graduate standing and/or permission of department.
The course will cover mathematical formulation of Quantum Mechanics; one-dimensional problems: quantum wells and barriers with applications to semiconductor heterostructures, Kronig-Penney model, harmonic oscillator; angular momentum and spin, indistinguishable particles, stationary and time-dependent perturbation theory, application of density matrix to analysis of light-matter interaction, quantization of electromagnetic field and photons. (Pending approval)
635 Condensed Matter Physics,4 hr., 4 cr.
Phys 260 or an equivalent course in Modern Physics
An introduction to molecular and solid state phenomena. Molecular structure and spectra of diatomic molecules, quantum theory of chemical bonding and dipole moments, crystal structure, lattice dynamics, free electron theory of metals, band model of metals, insulators, and semiconductors, amorphous solids, polymers, liquid crystals, and phase transition phenomena.
637 Modern Optics,4 hr., 4 cr.
Phys 260 or an equivalent course in Modern Physics
Electromagnetic wave propagation in vacuum and in linear media including Fresnel's equations for reflection and transmission at interfaces, absorption and dispersion, guided waves in waveguides, transmission lines and optical fibers, geometric optics and imaging, matrix methods for complex optical systems, interference, diffraction, coherence, principles of laser operation, Gaussian beams, nonlinear optics, quantum theory of emission and absorption of radiation.
641 Statistical Physics,4 hr., 4 cr.
Undergraduate courses in advanced mechanics and advanced thermodynamics
Maxwellian distribution of velocities, molecular motion and temperature, elementary theory of the transport of momentum (viscosity), energy (heat), and matter (diffusion). Entropy and probability; Maxwell Boltzmann statistics; equipartition of energy and classical heat capacity of gasses and solids; Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac statistics; quantum theory of paramagnetism.
646 Physics of Semiconductors,4 hr., 4 cr.
Undergraduate courses in quantum mechanics and mathematics approved by department
Topics will include: crystal structures; thermal and electric properties of crystals; semiconductors and semiconductor devices; low-dimensional systems; excitons in semiconductors and semiconductor nanostructures
661 Computational Methods in Physics,4 hr., 4 cr.
A course in numerical methods of analysis and modeling of physical phenomena with focus on problems arising in electromagnetism, optics, and semiconductor physics. The topics include solving Maxwell equations using finite difference and the finite element methods, stochastic (Monte-Carlo) methods, the matrix eigenvalue problems. Students will be introduced to scientific and engineering computing based on Matlab and/or other similar platforms.
671 Modern Physics Laboratory,4 hr., 2 cr.
Experiments selected from among the areas of atomic, nuclear, solid state, and molecular, physics. Student will learn basic experimental techniques used in modern university and industrial research laboratories, including how to use computers to interface with and control modern scientific instruments. Special attention will be paid to proper ways of collecting and analyzing experimental data. Students will compare the results of experiments with theoretical predictions and learn how to write scientific and technical reports.
(Pending Approval)
672 Photonics Laboratory,4 hr., 2 cr.
In this lab students will design and carry out experiments related to the fields of optics and photonics. They will learn basic experimental skills required to work with various optical instruments and components (lasers, optical fibers, filters, spectrometers, etc). Students will compare the results of experiments with theoretical predictions and learn how to write scientific and technical reports. Special attention will be paid to proper ways of collecting and analyzing experimental data and to safety procedures.
(Pending Approval)
673 Microwave instrumentation laboratory,4 hr., 2 cr.
graduate standing and/or permission of the department
The course will cover principles of operation of microwave antennas, waveguides, amplifiers and couplers. Measurements of propagation will be made in homogeneous and disordered single mode and overmoded waveguides. These experiments will be carried out with use of a microwave vector network analyzer. Measurements will be controlled, collected and analyzed with use of the MATLAB programming language.
675 Introduction to Nano and Microfabrication,4 hr., 4 cr.
Graduate standing and permission of department
This hands-on course will introduce the students to the basic techniques and concepts related to nano and microfabrication.
The course will discuss topics such as lithography, chemical vapor deposition, dry and wet etching of semiconductors, growth of semiconductor nanostructures and structural and optical characterization. The students will gain in-depth understanding of the techniques and obtain hands-on training on the various tools needed for nano and microfabrication.
676 Foundation of Growth Techniques,4 hr., 4 cr.
Graduate standing and permission of department
Topics include: basics of vacuum science and technology, thermodynamics and kinetics of growth, introduction to phase diagrams, bulk growth and think film growth, including physical vapor deposition (PVE), hydride PVE, chemical vapor deposition (CVD), pulsed laser deposition (PLD), molecular beam epitaxy (MBE), and atomic layer deposition (ALD). Students will learn basics of materials science, physics, and instrumentation required to "grow" various materials with the emphasis on semiconductor thin films.
771-773 Graduate Physics Laboratory,3 hr., 2 cr.
Permission of the Department
Advanced experimental work in one or more fields of physics, including the planning of experiments, the design and construction of apparatus, and the evaluation of experimental results in the fields of optics, X-rays, electronics, and atomic and nuclear physics. A student may obtain from 2 to 6 credits starting with PHYS 771. Two courses of the group may be taken concurrently.
798 Thesis,4 hr., 4 cr.
20 credits at the master's level.
Preparation and oral defense of a thesis under the guidance of a faculty mentor.
Courses in Astronomy:
ASTR1 General Astronomy,3 hr., 3 cr.
Not open to students who have passed General Astronomy with Laboratory (ASTR2)
General Concepts of astronomy, planet and solar system formation, lives and deaths of stars, and observational cosmology including the Big Bang Model.
ASTR2 General Astronomy with Laboratory,3 lec. 3 lab. hr., 4 cr.
Not open to students who have passed General Astronomy (ASTR1)
General Concepts of astronomy, planet and solar system formation, lives and deaths of stars, and observational cosmology including the Big Bang Model. The laboratory includes analysis and interpretation of astronomical data and observations. Included as a part of the laboratory are computer simulations of modern astornomical equipment.