
Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper or your self-confidence.

Robert Frost

Class Schedule

42624 TTh 10:45 am - 12:00 pm RE 101 Lec Bell, Keaton
42749 TTh 12:15 pm - 1:30 pm SB C201 Lec Civiletti, Matthew
42647 MW 5:05 pm - 6:20 pm SB C203 Lec Okoko, Guy
42682 Su 11:00 am - 1:50 pm Online Lec Civiletti, Matthew
42623 TTh 10:45 am - 12:00 pm RE 101 Lec Bell, Keaton
45867 MW 5:05 pm - 6:20 pm SB C203 Lec Okoko, Guy
42646 W 6:50 pm - 8:40 pm QH 174 Lab Okoko, Guy
42625 T 12:10 pm - 2:00 pm QH 174 Lab Dublin, Andrew
42771 W 6:50 pm - 8:40 pm SB B233 Lab Lab room changes every week, please check the schedule on the door Konarski, Iordan
42773 M 6:50 pm - 8:40 pm SB B233 Lab Lab room changes every week, please check the schedule on the door Jha, Satyam
42774 W 2:50 pm - 4:40 pm SB B233 Lab Lab room changes every week, please check the schedule on the door Kapoor, Samarth
42772 M 2:50 pm - 4:40 pm SB B233 Lab Lab room changes every week, please check the schedule on the door Chandorkar, Deeksha
42770 MW 4:50 pm - 6:40 pm SB C201 Lec Gangji, Al-Karim
42764 F 12:10 pm - 2:00 pm SB B235 Lab Lab room changes every week, please check the schedule on the door Walczak, Kamil
42769 Th 2:50 pm - 4:40 pm SB B235 Lab Lab room changes every week, please check the schedule on the door Walczak, Kamil
42768 M 4:50 pm - 6:40 pm SB B235 Lab Lab room changes every week, please check the schedule on the door Tsunawaki, Naoki
42767 M 10:05 am - 11:55 am SB B235 Lab Lab room changes every week, please check the schedule on the door Koshy, Nipun
42766 F 10:05 am - 11:55 am SB B235 Lab Lab room changes every week, please check the schedule on the door Hosseininezhad, Seyedehnikoo
42765 W 10:05 am - 11:55 am SB B235 Lab Lab room changes every week, please check the schedule on the door Kurtz, Israel
42775 TTh 6:50 pm - 8:40 pm SB C201 Lec Goldberg, David
42776 MW 1:40 pm - 3:30 pm SB C201 Lec Gangji, Al-Karim
42642 F 10:05 am - 11:55 am SB B231 Lab Lab room changes every week, please check the schedule on the door Barton, Aran
42763 Th 12:10 pm - 2:00 pm SB B231 Lab Lab room changes every week, please check the schedule on the door Walczak, Kamil
42760 TTh 10:05 am - 11:55 am SB C203 Lec Yelnykov, Oleksandr
42780 Th 4:50 pm - 6:40 pm SB B235 Lab Lab room changes every week, please check the schedule on the door Jha, Satyam
42779 T 12:10 pm - 2:00 pm SB B235 Lab Lab room changes every week, please check the schedule on the door Elghazoly, Sarah
42777 TTh 10:05 am - 11:55 am SB C201 Lec Kogan, Oleg
42778 TTh 6:50 pm - 8:40 pm SB C203 Lec Steiner, Robert
42781 T 2:10 pm - 4:00 pm SB B231 Lec Yelnykov, Oleksandr
42759 MW 10:05 am - 11:55 am SB C201 Lec Zelaya Mendoza, Kevin Dagoberto
43260 TTh 2:15 pm - 5:05 pm SB B343 Lec Kuskovsky, Igor L.
42639 MW 10:30 am - 11:45 am PH 302 Lec Lisyansky, Alexander A.
42752 MW 1:40 pm - 2:55 pm KY 283 Lec Lisyansky, Alexander A.
42746 F 10:15 am - 2:05 pm SB B343 Lab Benseman, Timothy
42745 TTh 12:15 pm - 2:05 pm KY 323 Lec Deych, Lev
42750 TTh 2:15 pm - 4:05 pm KY 323 Lec Civiletti, Matthew
42638 MW 5:00 pm - 6:50 pm SB A143 Lec Goldberg, David
42627 TTh 4:50 pm - 6:40 pm SB A143 Lec Miri, Mohammad Ali
42637 MW 3:05 pm - 4:55 pm Lec Murokh, Lev G.
42626 TTh 12:15 pm - 2:05 pm KY 323 Lec Deych, Lev
42755 TTh 4:50 pm - 6:40 pm SB A143 Lec Miri, Mohammad Ali
46255 MW 3:05 pm - 4:55 pm Lec Murokh, Lev G.
55758 MW 3:05 pm - 4:55 pm Lec Murokh, Lev G.
42743 MW 5:00 pm - 6:50 pm SB A143 Lec Goldberg, David
46247 F 5:00 pm - 8:50 pm SB A143 Lec Almeida, Euclides