
A human being is not attaining his full heights until he is educated

Horace Mann

Mission Statements

Mission Statements for undergradaute programs

Undegraduate B.A. and B.S. degrees in physics serve slightly different categories of students as outlined in the respective mission statements 

M.S. in Photonics Mission Statement

The mission of the M.S. degree in Optiocs and Photonics Technologies is to respond to the growing demand for qualified workers in the field of Photonics and adjacent disciplines, as well as to the expectation of students that an advanced college education will lead to rewarding professional careers. 


The mission of the M.A. program in Physics is to provide advanced knowledge of fundamental laws of physics essential for understanding the modern technological world as well as to develop essential quantitative and problem solving skills.

Physics department mission statement

Physics lies at the core of all scientific and technical disciplines. Our department has a two-fold mission –to provide students who will make a wide range of career choices with an outstanding learning experience in which they develop strong analytical, quantitative, and problem solving skills with a deep appreciation of the role physics plays in technical innovations, and to foster cutting-edge research that expands the horizons of science and technology.