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Nelson Mandela


Physics Conference Room, SB B326
Coffee starts at 12:00 PM and talk starts at 12:15 PM
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Sep '02
Solid State Institute, Technion
Professor Robert Beserman
Electron-Phonon Interaction Excited by Laser Light
Sep '02
Agere Systems
Valery Milner
Optical billiard: controlling the dynamics of atoms and photons
Download PDF @11:00 am
Until recently, the field of nonlinear, and generally chaotic, dynamics of billiards (i.e. particles or waves bouncing between sharp reflecting walls) developed separately from the area of atomic physics. Recent achievements in laser cooling and manipulating of atoms made it possible to "play pool" with neutral atoms, creating a new testing ground for classical and quantum chaos. Understanding the dynamics of chaotic billiards with novel properties, such as inter-billiard collisions or moving billiard walls, may prove useful in exploring new ways of controlling atoms and photons. In this talk, I will discuss the "proof of principle" experiments, and possible future directions of research in this new and exciting field.
Starts at 11:00 AM
Oct '02
CNRS/ University of Joseph Fourier, Grenoble
Bart van Tiggelen
Magneto-optics of chiral media
Oct '02
NEC Research Institute
Premala Chandra
From Roman Vases to Novel Memories and Beyond: Thoughts on the Glass Transition
Nov '02
NEC Research Institute
Tineke Thio
Giant optical transmission through nanometer-sized apertures
Nov '02
Technion, Haifa
Dr. Alexander Iomin
Quantum localization of anomalous diffusion in a chaotic system
Nov '02
Material Science, SUNY at Stony Brook
Jonathan Sokolov
DNA motion at and near surfaces
Dec '02
Department of Physics, SUNY at Stony Brook
Konstantin K. Likharev
Future opportunities for nanoelectronics
The talk will be based on the recent paper [1]. I will give a brief review of the recent research and development of ultrasmall electron devices, including nanoscale field effect transistors (FETs), single-electron transistors (SETs), and some other new devices and nanometer-scalable memory cell concepts. It will be argued that nanofabrication permitting, silicon FETs can be scaled down to ~3 nm gate length, although sub-5-nm devices would be extremely sensitive to random fabrication spreads, and their power consumption would grow very significantly. So far no other device, comparable with the FET in universality, has been found for sub-3-nm operation so far. For example, single-electron transistors, which are scalable to atomic size (below 1 nm), suffer from low voltage gain and high sensitivity to single charged impurities. However, there are several promising ideas for terabit memories and electrostatic data storage, and some exciting prospects of using hybrid SET/FET circuits in new architectures for advanced information processing, including self-evolving neuromorphic networks.
[1] K. Likharev, in: H. Morkoc (ed.), Advanced Semiconductor and Organic Nano-Technologies, Pt. 1, Academic Press (2002)
Dec '02
Department of Physics, New York University
Patrick Huggins
Molecules, Jets, and Other Features of the Red Giant - White Dwarf Transition