

Azriel Z. Genack, Distinguished Professor

Wave propagation

(718) 997-3373, SB B212
B.A. Columbia College - 1964
Ph.D. Columbia University - 1973

We probe our environment and communicate with one another with classical waves. Because of wave-particle duality, studies of classical waves also serve as models of electronic transport, involving quantum mechanical electron waves in the solid state. The goal of our studies of microwave and optical propagation is to provide a universal description of wave propagation in random systems and to apply the understanding gained to imaging and communications. We explore the diversity of propagation phenomena in ensembles of sample realizations which reflect the openness, scattering strength, internal reflection, dissipation or gain, and topology of the system. The work in the lab has demonstrated Anderson localization, the statistics of transport in space and time, including short-, long- and infinite-range intensity correlation in space and frequency; crossovers between ballistic, diffusive and localized wave transport, acousto-optic tomography, band-edge lasing, the photon localization laser, correlation of non-orthogonal modes in open media, and robust transport of edge states in photonic topological insulators, which emulate the spin and valley degrees of freedom in condensed matter. Research in the lab contributed to the formation of Chiral Phonics, Inc. (https://www.chiralphotonics.com/), which develops and produces microfabricated optical fiber-based components and assemblies for applications in coupling and sensing.

The microwave laboratory was started together with Dr. Narciso Garcia.

  • “Velocities of transmission eigenchannels and diffusion,” A. Z. Genack, Y. Huang, A. Maor and Z. Shi, Nature Commun. 16, 2606 (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-46748-0
  • “Wave Excitation and Dynamics in Non-Hermitian Disordered Systems,” Y. Huang, Y. Kang, and A. Z. Genack, Phys. Rev. Research 4, 013102 (2022).
  • “Characterizing random one-dimensional media with an embedded reflector via scattered waves,” Y. Huang, X. Ma, A. Z. Genack, and V. A. Gopar, Phys. Rev. B 104, 104204 (2021).
    “Lasing modes in a monolithic Talbot cavity,” V. I. Kopp, J. Park, J. Singer, D. Neugroschl, and A. Z. Genack, Journal of Lightwave Tech. 39, 4752 (2021). DOI: 10.1109/JLT.2021.3076689
  • Statistics of coherent waves inside media with Lévy disorder,” Luis A. Razo-Lopez, Azriel Z. Genack, Victor A. Gopar, Phys. Rev. Research 3, (2021). 
  • “Dynamics of transmission in disordered topological insulators,” Yuhao Kang, Yiming Huang and Azriel Z. Genack, Phys. Rev. A 103, 033507 (2021). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevA.103.033507
  • “Transmission zeros with topological symmetry in complex systems,” Yuhao Kang and Azriel Z. Genack, Phys. Rev. B 103, L100201 (2021).
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.103.L100201  
  • “Cavity-induced backscattering in a two-dimensional photonic topological system,” Phys. Rev. Research 2, 013221 (2020).
    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.013221
  • “Invariance principle for wave propagation inside inhomogeneously disordered materials,” Y. Huang, C. Tian, V. A. Gopar, P. Fang, and A. Z. Genack, Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 057401 (2020). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.124.057401
  • “Probing nonorthogonality of eigenfunctions and its impact on transport through open systems,” M. Davy and A. Z. Genack, Phys. Rev. Research 1, 033026 (2019). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.1.033026.
    “Invariance principle for wave propagation inside inhomogeneously disordered materials,” Y. Huang, C. Tian, V. A. Gopar, P. Fang, and A. Z. Genack, Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 057401 (2020). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.124.057401
  • “Probing nonorthogonality of eigenfunctions and its impact on transport through open systems,” M. Davy and A. Z. Genack, Phys. Rev. Research 1, 033026 (2019). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.1.033026.“Selectively exciting quasi-normal modes in open disordered systems,” M. Davy and A. Z. Genack, Nature Commun. 9 (2018).
  • “Pseudospin-valley coupled edge states in a photonic topological insulator,” Y. Kang, X. Ni, X. Cheng, A. B. Khanikaev, A. Z. Genack, Nature Comm. 9, 3029 (2018). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-05408-w
  •  “Diffusion in translucent media,” Z. Shi and A. Z. Genack, Nature Comm. 9, 1862 (2018); DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-04242-4
  •  “Single-Parameter Scaling and Maximum Entropy inside Disordered One-Dimensional Systems: Theory and Experiment,” X, Cheng, X. Ma, M. Yépez, A. Z. Genack, P. A. Mello, Phys. Rev. B 96, 180203(R) (2017).
  •  “Observation of Anderson localization in disordered nanophotonic structures,” H. H. Sheinfux, Y. Lumer, G. Ankonina, A. Z. Genack, G. Bartal, and M. Segev, Science 356, 953-956 (2017). DOI: 10.1126/science.aah6822
  •  “Using the Transmission Matrix to Image Disordered Media,” M. Davy, S. Gigan, and A. Z. Genack, chapter 16. 489-516, in Deep Imaging in Tissue and Biomedical Materials Using Linear and Nonlinear Optical Methods, Shi L, Alfano RR (eds). (Pan Stanford Publishing Pte Ltd, Singapore, 2017) ISBN 9789814745888. 
  • “Impact of surface reflection on transmission eigenvalue statistics and energy distributions inside random media,” X. Cheng, C. Tian; Z. Lowell, L. Zhao, and A. Z. Genack, Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics 226, 1539–1548 (2017) DOI: 10.1140/epjst/e2016-60327-6
  • “Interplay between evanescence and disorder in deep subwavelength photonic structures,” H. H. Sheinfux, I. Kaminer, A. Z. Genack and M. Segev, Nature Comm. 7 12927 (2016). (DOI: 10.1038 12927 1-9 (2016).)
  • “Robust reconfigurable electromagnetic pathways within a photonic topological insulator,” X. Cheng, C. Jouvaud, X. Ni, S. H. Mousavi, A. Z. Genack, and A. B. Khanikaev, Nature Mat. 15, 542-548 (2016).
  • “Dynamic and spectral properties of transmission eigenchannels in random media,” Z. Shi and A. Z. Genack, Phys. Rev. B 92, 184202 (2015).
  • “Motion of intensity maxima in averaged speckle patterns of transmitted radiation,” X. Cheng and A. Z. Genack, Opt. Lett. 40, 5279-5282 (2015).
  • “Connection between wave transport through disordered 1D waveguides and energy density inside the sample: A maximum-entropy approach,” P. A. Mello, Z. Shi and A. Z. Genack, Physica E-Low-Dimensional Systems & Nanostructures, 74, 603-607 (2015).
  • “Hidden Modes in Open Disordered Media: Analytical, Numerical, and Experimental Results,” Y. P. Bliokh, V. Freilikher, Z. Shi, A. Z. Genack, and F. Nori, New Jour. Phys. 17, 113009 (2015). 
  • “Statistics and control of waves in disordered media,” Z. Shi, M. Davy, and A. Z. Genack, Opt. Express 23, 12293-12320 (2015).
  •  “Transport of localized waves via modes and channels,” Z. Shi and A. Z. Genack, to be published in Light Localisation and Lasing: Random and Pseudo-random Photonic Structures, ed. By M. Ghulinyan and L. Pavesi, pages 13-52 (Cambridge University Press, 2015).
  • “Universal structure of transmission eigenchannels inside opaque media,” M. Davy, Z. Shi, J. Park, C. Tian, and A. Z. Genack, Nature Commun. 6, 7893 (2015).
  • “Transmission eigenchannels and the densities of states of random media,” M. Davy, Z. Shi, J. Wang, X. Cheng and A. Z. Genack, Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 033901 (2015).
  • “Viewpoint: Light Avoids Anderson Localization,” A. Khanikaev, A. Z. Genack, Physics 7, 87 (2014).
  • “Two-dimensional, 37-channel, High-bandwidth, Ultra-dense Silicon Photonics Optical Interface,” V. I. Kopp, J. Park, M. Wlodawski, E. Hubner, J. Singer, D, Neugroschl, A. Z. Genack, P. Dumon, J. van Campenhout, and P. Absil, Jour. Lighwave Tech. (2014).
  • “Focusing and energy deposition inside random media,” X. Cheng and A. Z. Genack, Opt. Lett. 39, 6324–6327 (2014).
  • “Phase Singularity Diffusion,” X. Cheng, Y. Lockerman, and A. Z. Genack, Opt. Lett. 34, 3348-3351 (2014).
  • “Chiral Fibers: Microformed Optical Waveguides for Polarization Control, Sensing, Coupling, Amplification, and Switching,” V. I. Kopp, J. Park, M. S. Wlodawski, J. Singer, D. Neugroschl, and A. Z. Genack, Jour. of Lightwave Tech. 32, 605-613 (2014).
  • “Microwave conductance in random waveguides in the crossover to Anderson localization and single parameter scaling,” Z. Shi, J. Wang, and A. Z. Genack, PNAS 111, 2926-2930 (2014).
  • “Transmission eigenvalues in random media with surface reflection,” X. Cheng, C Tian, and A. Z. Genack, Phys. Rev. B 88, 094202 (2013).
  • Z. Shi, M. Davy, J. Wang, and A. Z. Genack, Focusing through random media in space and time: A transmission matrix approach, Opt. Lett. 38, 2714 (2013).
  • “Transmission statistics and focusing in single disordered samples,” M. Davy, Z. Shi, J. Wang, and A. Z. Genack, Opt. Exp. 21, 10367-10375 (2013).
  • “Temperature and Pressure Sensors Based on Chiral Fibers,” J. Park, M. S. Wlodawski, J. Singer, D. Neugroschl, A. Z. Genack, V. I. Kopp, Proc. of SPIE 8370, 837008-1 (2012).
  • “Wave propagation and localization via quasi-normal modes and transmission eigenchannels,” J. Wang, Z. Shi, M. Davy and A. Z. Genack, Localisation 2011, Int. J. Mod. Phys. Conf. Ser. 11, 1 (2012).
  • “Focusing through random media: eigenchannel participation number and intensity correlation,” M. Davy, Z. Shi and A. Z. Genack, Phys. Rev. B 85, 035105 (2012).
  • “Transmission eigenvalues and the bare conductance in the crossover to Anderson localization,” Z. Shi and A. Z. Genack, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 043901 (2012).
  • “Chiral fibres: adding twist,” V. I. Kopp and A. Z. Genack, Nature Photonics, 5, 470 (2011).
  • “Transport through modes in random media,” J. Wang and A. Z. Genack, Nature 471, 345-348 (2011).
  • “Mesoscopic speckle,” S. Zhang, Y. Lockerman and A. Z. Genack, Phys. Rev. E 82, 051114 (2010).
  • “Intensity statistics and photon localization in 1D and beyond,” J. Park, S. Zhang and A. Z. Genack, Phys, Rev. E 82, 045101 (R) (2010).
  • “Speckle statistics in the photon localization transition,” A. Z. Genack and J. Wang, in Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 24, 1950-1988 (2010).
  • “Speckle statistics in the photon localization transition,” A. Z. Genack and J. Wang, in 50 Years of Anderson Localization, ed. E. Abrahams, 559-597 (World Scientific, Singapore, 2010). 
  • “Chiral fiber sensors,” V. I. Kopp, V. M. Churikov, J. Singer, D. Neugroschl and A. Z. Genack,
  • “Dynamics of fluctuations of localized waves,” J. Wang, A. A. Chabanov, D.Y. Lu, Z. Q. Zhang, and A. Z. Genack, Phys. Rev. B 81, 241101(R) (2010). 
  • “Chiral diffraction gratings in twisted microstructured fibers,” V. M. Churikov, V. I. Kopp, and A. Z. Genack, Opt. Lett. 35, 342 (2010).
  • “Vanishing-core tapered coupler for interconnect applications”, D. Neugroschl, V. I. Kopp, J. Singer, and G. Zhang, Proceedings of SPIE 7221, 72210G (2009).
  •  “Wave interference and modes in random media,” A. Z. Genack and S. Zhang, in Tutorials in Complex Photonic Media, eds. M. McCall, M.A. Noginov, N. Zheludev, and G. Dewar, Chapter 9, M. A. Noginov, M. W. McCall, G. Dewar, and N. I. Zheludev, Eds., SPIE Press, Bellingham, WA, 229–276 (2009).
  • “Dual-twist fiber long period gratings,” V. M. Churikov, V. I. Kopp and A. Z. Genack, Proc. SPIE 7212, 72120H (2009),
  • “Chiral fiber optical isolator,” V. I. Kopp, G. Zhang, S. Zhang, A. Z. Genack, D. Neugroschl, Proc. SPIE 7195, 71950B (2009).
  • “Interplay between generic and mesoscopic speckle statistics in transmission through random media,” S. Zhang, Y. Lockerman, J. Park and A. Z. Genack, J. of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics 11, 094018 (2009).
  • “Polarization properties of chiral fiber gratings,” G. Shvets, S. Trendafilov, V. I. Kopp, D. Neugroschl, and A. Z. Genack, J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt. 11 074007 (2009).
  • “Dynamics of localized waves: Pulsed microwave transmissions in quasi-one-dimensional media,” Z. Q. Zhang, A. A. Chabanov, S.K. Cheung, C.H. Wong, and A. Z. Genack, Phys. Rev. B 79, 144203 (2009).
  • “Chiral-fiber gratings sense the environment,” V. I. Kopp, V. M. Churikov and A. Z. Genack, Laser Focus World, page 76 (June, 2008).
  • “Photon delocalization transition in dimensional crossover in random layered media,” S. Zhang, J. Park, V. Milner, A. Z. Genack, Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 183901 (2008).
  • “Coupling and level repulsion in the localized regime: From isolated to quasi-extended modes,” K. Yu. Bliokh, Yu. P. Bliokh, V. Freilikher, A. Z. Genack, P. Sebbah, Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 133901 (2008).
  • S. Zhang and A. Z. Genack, “Statistics of random fields in the vortex core,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 203901 (2007).
  • "Chiral fiber gratings: perspectives and challenges for sensing applications" V. I. Kopp, V. M. Churikov, G. Zhang, J. Singer, C. W. Draper, N. Chao, D. Neugroschl, and A. Z. Genack, Proceedings of SPIE 6619, 66190B (2007). 
  • “Single and double helix chiral fiber sensors,” V. I. Kopp, V. M. Churikov, G. Zhang, J. Singer, C. W. Draper, N, Chao, D. Neugroschl and A. Z. Genack, Jour. Opt. Soc. Am. B 24, A48 (2007).
  • “Effect of absorption on quasimodes of a random waveguide,” P. Sebbah, B. Hu, V. I. Kopp, A. Z Genack, Jour. Opt. Soc. Am B 24, A77 (2007).
  • “Observation of singularities in multiply-scattered microwave fields,” S. Zhang, B. Hu, Y. Lockerman, P. Sebbah, and A. Z. Genack, Jour. Opt. Soc. Am. A 24, A33 (2007).
  • “Speckle evolution of diffusive and localized waves,” S. Zhang, B. Hu, P. Sebbah, and A. Z. Genack, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 063902 (2007).
  • “Conference Review: Meta 2006 highlights random, periodic optical metamaterials,” V. M. Shalaev and A. Z. Genack, Laser Focus, 30 (August 2006).
  • “Localized Modes in Open One-Dimensional Dissipative Random Systems,” K. Yu. Bliokh, Yu. P. Bliokh, V. Freilikher, A. Z. Genack, B. Hu, and P. Sebbah, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 243904 (2006).
  • “Extended quasimodes within nominally localized random waveguides,” P. Sebbah, B. Hu, J. Klosner, and A. Z. Genack, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 183902 (2006).
  • “Synchronization of optical polarization conversion and scattering in chiral fibers,” V. I. Kopp, V. M. Churikov, and A. Z. Genack, Opt. Lett. 31, 571 (2006).
  • “Signatures of photon localization,” A. Z. Genack and A. A. Chabanov, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 38 10465-10488 (2005).
  • “Statistics of the Mesoscopic Field,” A. A. Chabanov and A. Z. Genack, Phys. Rev. E 72, 055602 (2005).
  • “Statistics of the near-field speckle pattern in transmission through random media,” P. Sebbah, B. Hu, A. A. Chabanov, and A. Z. Genack, in Complex Mediums VI: Light and Complexity, ed. by M. McCall and M. Noginov, Proceedings of SPIE vol. 5924 (SPIE, Bellingham, WA, 2005) p. 59240T.
  • “Electromagnetic fluctuations, correlation and localization in the time domain,” A. Z. Genack, A. A. Chabanov, B. Hu, Z.-Q. Zhang and P. Sebbah, in Complex Mediums VI: Light and Complexity, ed. by M. McCall and M. Noginov, Proceedings of SPIE vol. 5924 (SPIE, Bellingham, WA, 2005) p. 592404.
  • “Optics: Waves in random media,” A. Z. Genack, B. A. van Tiggelen, P. Sebbah and A. A. Chabanov, in Encyclopedia of Condensed Matter Physics, Elsevier (2005).
  • “Light Controllable Tuning and Switching of Lasing in Chiral Liquid Crystals,” P. V. Shibaev, R. L. Sanford, D. Chiappetta, V. Milner, A. Z. Genack, A. Bobrovsky, Optics Express 13, 2358 (2005).
  • “From planar to fiber chiral gratings,” A. Z. Genack, V. I. Kopp, V. M. Churikov, J. Singer, N. Chao and D. Neugroschl, in Emerging Liquid Crystal Technologies, ed. by L. C. Chien, Proceedings of SPIE vol. 5742 (SPIE, Bellingham, WA, 2005) p. 90.
  • “Synchronization of optical polarization conversion and scattering in chiral optical fibers,” V. I. Kopp, V. M. Churikov, and A. Z. Genack, Proceedings of SPIE vol. 5742 (SPIE, Bellingham, WA, 2005).
  • “Photon Localization Laser: Low-Threshold Lasing in a Random Amplifying Layered Medium via Wave Localization,” V. Milner and A. Z. Genack, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 073901 (2005).
  • “Impact of weak localization on wave dynamics: Crossover from quasi-1D to slab geometry,” Z. Q. Zhang, S. K. Cheung, X. Zhang, A. A. Chabanov, and A. Z. Genack, Methods and Applications of Analysis, Vol. 11 465-474 (2004). 
  • “Chiral fiber gratings polarize light,” V. I. Kopp, A. Z. Genack, V. M. Churikov, J. Singer, N. Chao, Photonics Spectra, 38, 78 (2004).
  • “Lasing and narrowing of spontaneous emission from responsive cholesteric films,” P. V. Shibaev, J. Madsen and A. Z. Genack, Chem. Mater. 16, 1397-1399 (2004).
  • “Chiral fiber gratings,” V. I. Kopp, V. M. Churikov, J. Singer, N. Chao, D. Neugroschl, and A. Z. Genack, Science 305, 74 (2004).
  • “Dynamic correlation in wave propagation in random media,” A. A. Chabanov, B. Hu, and A. Z. Genack, Phys. Rev. Lett., 93, 123901 (2004).
  • “Chiral fiber Bragg gratings,” A. Z. Genack, V. I. Kopp, V. M. Churikov, J. Singer, N. Chao and D. Neugroschl, Complex Mediums V: Light and Complexity, ed. by M.W. McCall and G. Dewar, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 5508 (SPIE, Bellingham, WA, 2004) p. 57.
  • “Impact of weak localization in the time domain,” S. K. Cheung, X. Zhang, Z. Q. Zhang, A. A. Chabanov, and A. Z. Genack, Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 173902 (2004).
  • “Polarization correlation in random media,” A. A. Chabanov, A. Z. Genack, N. Tregoures and B. A. van Tiggelen, Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 173901 (2004).
  • “Lasing from chiral photonic band gap materials based on cholesteric glasses,” P. V. Shibaev, V. I. Kopp, A. Z. Genack, and E. Hanelt, Liq. Cryst. 30, 1391-1400 (2003).
  • “Preliminary communication narrowing of spontaneous emission and lasing in lyotropic and thermotropic liquid crystals,” P. V. Shibaev and A. Z. Genack, Liq. Cryst. 30, 1365–1368 (2003).
  • “Narrowing of spontaneous emission and lasing in lyotropic and thermotropic liquid crystals,” P. V. Shibaev and A. Z. Genack, Liq. Cryst. 30, 1365-1368 (2003).
  • “Photonic materials based on mixtures of cholesteric liquid crystals with polymers," P.V. Shibaev, V. I. Kopp and A. Z. Genack, Jour. Phys. Chem. B, 107 6961 (2003). 
  • “Double helix chiral fibers,” V. I. Kopp and A. Z. Genack, Opt. Lett. 28, 1876 (2003).
  • “Breakdown of diffusion in dynamics of extended waves in mesoscopic media,” A. A. Chabanov, A. Z. Genack and Z.-Q. Zhang, Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 203903 (2003).
  • “Lasing in chiral photonic structures,” V. I. Kopp, Z.-Q. Zhang and A. Z. Genack, Prog. Quant. Electron. 27, 369-416 (2003).
  • “Photon localization in resonant media,” A. A. Chabanov and A. Z. Genack in Wave Scattering in Complex Media, ed. by and B.A. van Tiggelen and S.E Skipetrov (Kluwer, Dordrecht, 2003).
  • “Mesoscopic dynamics: a study of phase,” A. Z. Genack, A. A. Chabanov, P. Sebbah and B.A. van Tiggelen in Wave Scattering in Complex Media, ed by and B.A. van Tiggelen and S.E Skipetrov (Kluwer, Dordrecht, 2003).
  • “Photon localization in resonant media,” A. A. Chabanov and A. Z. Genack, Optics and Photonics News, 13, 25 (2002).
  • “Twist defect in chiral photonic structures,” V. I. Kopp and A. Z. Genack, Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 033901 (2002).
  • “Anisotropic photonic band gap structures,” V. I. Kopp. P. V. Shibaev, R. Bose, and A. Z. Genack, Proc. SPIE, 4655, 141 (2002).
  • “Spatial field correlation: the building block of mesoscopic fluctuations,” P. Sebbah, B. Hu, A. Z. Genack, R. Pnini and B. Shapiro, Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 123901 (2002).
  • “Lasing from a stiff chain polymeric lyotropic cholesteric liquid crystal,” P. V. Shibaev, K. Tang A. Z. Genack, V. I. Kopp, M. M. Green, Macromolecules 35, 3022 (2002).
  • “Statistics of dynamics of localized waves,” A. A. Chabanov and A. Z. Genack, Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 233903 (2001).
  • “Photon Localization in Resonant Media,” A. A. Chabanov and A. Z. Genack, Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 153901 (2001).
  • “Large coherence area thin-film photonic stop-band lasers,” V. I. Kopp, Z.-Q. Zhang and A. Z. Genack, Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 1753 (2001).
  • “Statistical approach to photon localization,” A. Z. Genack, A. A. Chabanov, in Waves and Imaging through Complex Media, ed. by P. Sebbah, p. 53-84 (Kluwer, Dordrecht, 2001).
  • “Statistical approach to photon localization,” A. A. Chabanov, M. Stoytchev and A. Z. Genack, Nature 404, 850 (2000).
  • “Spatial distribution of lasing at the edge of a photonic stop band in dye-doped cholesteric liquid crystals,” V. I. Kopp, Z.-Q. Zhang, and A. Z. Genack, Proc. SPIE Vol. 3939, p. 39-48, Organic Photonic Materials and Devices II, D. D. Bradley; B. Kippelen; Eds. (2000)
  • “Observations of photon localization and exponential scaling of intensity fluctuations,” A. Z. Genack and A. A. Chabanov, in Frontiers of Laser Physics and Quantum Optics, ed. By Z. X. Xu, S. Xie, S.-Y. Zhu and M. O. Scully, p. 197-202 (Springer, 2000).
  • “Field and intensity correlation in random media,” P. Sebbah, R. Pnini and A. Z. Genack, Phys. Rev. E 62, 7348 (2000).
  • “Delay-time statistics for diffuse waves,” B.A. van Tiggelen, P. Sebbah, M Stoytchev, and A. Z. Genack, Phys. Rev. E 59, 7166 (1999).
  • “Lasing at the edge of a photonic stop band in cholesteric liquid crystals,” A. Z. Genack and V. I. Kopp, IEEE LEOS 13, 8 (1999).
  • “Density of states and lasing at the edge of a photonic stop band in dye doped cholesteric liquid crystals,” V. I. Kopp and A. Z. Genack, Proc. SPIE Vol. 3623, p. 71-79, Organic Photonic Materials and Devices, Bernard Kippelen; Ed. (1999).
  • “Statistics of wave dynamics in random media,” A. Z. Genack, P. Sebbah, M. Stoytchev, and B. A. van Tiggelen, Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 715 (1999).
  • “Observations of non-Rayleigh statistics in the approach to localization,” M. Stoytchev, A. Z. Genack, Opt. Lett. 24, 262 (1999).
  • “Low-threshold lasing at the edge of a photonic stop band in cholesteric liquid crystals,”
  • “Fluctuations in photon local delay time and their relation to phase spectra in random media,” P. Sebbah, O. Legrand and A. Z. Genack, Phys. Rev. E 59, 2406 (1999).
  • “Multiple Scattering of Microwaves,” P. Sebbah and A. Z. Genack, in New Aspects of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Diffusion, Springer Tracts of Modern Physics, Vol. 144,
  • “Dynamics of Stimulated Emission from Random Media Studied by Monte Carlo Simulation,” G. A. Berger, M. Kempe, and A. Z. Genack, Phys. Rev. E 56, 6118 (1997).
  • “Field Distributions in the Crossover from Ballistic to Diffusive Wave Propagation,” A. Chabanov and A. Z. Genack, Phys. Rev. E 56, R1338 (1997).
  • “Statistics of Cumulative Phase in Microwave Radiation in Random Media,” P. Sebbah, O. Legrand. B. A. van Tiggelen and A. Z. Genack, Phys. Rev. E 56, 3619 (1997).
  • “Measurement of the probability distribution of total transmission in random waveguides,” M. Stoytchev and A. Z. Genack, Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 309 (1997).
  • “Microwave transmission through a periodic three-dimensional metal-wire network containing random scatterers,” M. Stoytchev, A. Z. Genack, Phys. Rev. B 55, R8617 (1997).
  • “Acousto-optic tomography with multiply scattered light,” M. Kempe, M. Larionov, D. Zaslavsky, and A. Z. Genack, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 14, 1151 (1997).
  • “Ballistic and Diffuse Light Detection in Confocal and Heterodyne Imaging Systems,” M. Kempe, A. Z. Genack, W. Rudolph, and P. Dorn, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 14, 216 (1997).
  • “Stimulated emission from amplifying random media,” M. Kempe, G. A. Berger, and A. Z. Genack, in Handbook of Optical Properties, vol. 2; Optics of Small Particles, Interfaces and Surfaces, ed. R. E. Hummel and P. Wissmann, p. 301-330 (CRC Press, Boca Raton, 1997).
  • “Phase Statistics in Random Media,” P. Sebbah, O. Legrand, and A. Z. Genack, OSA TOPS on Advances in Optical Imaging and Photon Propagation, Vol. 2, p. 386 ed. R. R. Alfano and J. G. Fujimoto (OSA, 1996).
  • “Electromagnetic Resonances in Low Density Collections of Dielectric Spheres,” M. Stoytchev, N. Garcia, and A. Z. Genack, Advances in Optical Imaging and Photon Propagation, ed. R. R. Alfano, (OSA, 1996).
  • “Confocal Spatial Filtering for Imaging with Ballistic Light in Transillumination,” M. Kempe, J. Wong and A. Z. Genack, Advances in Optical Imaging and Photon Propagation, (OSA, 1996).
  • “Intensity and Phase Distributions in the Transition from Ballistic to Diffusive Wave Propagation,” A. Chabanov, M. Stoytchev, N. Garcia, and A. Z. Genack, Advances in Optical Imaging and Photon Propagation, ed. R. R. Alfano, (OSA, 1996).
  • “Acousto-Optic Imaging of Absorbing Structures with Multiply-Scattered Light,” M. Kempe, M. Larionov, D Zaslavsky, and A. Z. Genack, OSA TOPS on Advances in Optical Imaging and Photon Propagation, Vol. 2, p. 328 ed. R. R. Alfano and J. G. Fujimoto (OSA, 1996).
  • “Time-Resolved Studies of Stimulated Emission from Colloidal Dye Solutions,” M. Siddique, R. R. Alfano, G. A. Berger, M. Kempe, and A. Z. Genack, Opt. Lett. 21, 450 (1996).
  • “Measurement of the Photon Transport Mean Free Path Using a Reference Random Medium," A. A. Lisyansky, J. H. Li and A. Z. Genack, Opt. Lett. 20, 4 (1995).
  • “Surface Intensity Profiles for Optical Propagation in Random Media,” A. A. Lisyansky, D. Livdan, J. H. Li, T. D. Cheung, and A. Z. Genack, in Advances in Optical Imaging and Photon Propagation, ed. R.R. Alfano, p. 301 (OSA, 1994).
  • “Wave Dynamics and Spectral Correlation in Random Media,” A. Z. Genack, P. Sebbah, W. Polkosnik, A. A. Lisyansky and N. Garcia, in Advances in Optical Imaging and Photon Propagation, ed. R.R. Alfano, p. 43 (OSA, 1994).
  • “Scattering for Super-Radiation,” A. Z. Genack and J. M. Drake, Nature 368, 400 (1994).
  • “Correlation in Laser Speckle,” J. H. Li and A. Z. Genack, Phys. Rev. E 49, 4530 (1994).
  • “Transmission and Surface Intensity Profiles in Random Media,” J. H . Li, A. A. Lisyansky, T. D. Cheung, D. Livdan and A. Z. Genack, Europhys. Lett. 22, 675 (1993).
  • “Intensity Correlation in Waveguides,” N. Garcia, A. Z. Genack, R. Pnini and B. Shapiro, Phys. Lett. A 176, 458 (1993).
  • “Intensity Statistics and Correlation in Absorbing Random Media,” A. Z. Genack and N. Garcia, Europhys. Lett, 21, 753 (1993).
  • “Photon Diffusion and Internal Reflectivity,” A. A. Lisyansky, J.H. Li, D. Livdan, N. Garcia, T.D. Cheung, and A. Z. Genack, Photonic Band Gaps and Localization, ed. C.M. Soukoulis, p. 171-179 (Plenum, New York, 1993) .
  • “Photon Diffusion, Correlation and Localization,” A. Z. Genack, J. H. Li, N. Garcia, and A. A. Lisyansky, Photonic Band Gaps and Localization, ed. C.M. Soukoulis, p. 23-55 (Plenum, New York, 1993).
  • “Electromagnetic Localization and Photonics,” A. Z. Genack and N. Garcia, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 10, 408 (1993).
  • “Measurement of the Transport Mean Free Path of Diffusing Photons,” N. Garcia, A. Z. Genack and A. A. Lisyansky, Phys. Rev. B, 46, 14,475 (1992).
  • “Influencing the Approach to the Localization Threshold,” N. Garcia, J.H. Li, W. Polkosnik, T.D. Cheung, P. Tsang, A. A. Lisyansky and A. Z. Genack, Physica B 175, 9 (1991) and in Analogies in Optics and Microelectronics, ed. W. van Haeringen and D. Lenstra, p.9 (North Holland, 1991).
  • “Intensity Statistics and the Finesse of Electromagnetic Radiation in Random Structures,” N. Garcia and A. Z. Genack, Opt. Lett., 16, 1132 (1991).
  • “Long-range Intensity Correlation and the Approach to Localization,” A. Z. Genack, N. Garcia, Waves in Random Media, 3, S57 (1991).
  • “Observations of the Anderson Transition for Electromagnetic Radiation,” A. Z. Genack and N. Garcia, Phys. Rev. Lett. 66, 2064 (1991).
  • “Anomalous Photon Diffusion at the Threshold of the Anderson Localization Transition,” N. Garcia and A. Z. Genack, Phys. Rev. Lett. 66, 1850 (1991).
  • “Classical and Nonclassical Optical Diffusion,” J. M. Drake and A. Z. Genack, Physical Phenomena in Granular Materials (Volume 195, MRS Symposium Proceedings, 1990) ed. by C.D. Cody, T.H. Geballe and P. Sheng.
  • “Long-Range Intensity Correlation in Random Media,” A. Z. Genack, N. Garcia and W. Polkosnik, Phys. Rev. Lett. 65, 2129 (1990).
  • “Probing the Universal Character of Wave Propagation in Random Media,” W. Polkosnik, N. Garcia and A. Z. Genack, Annals of the NY Academy of Sciences 581, 239 (1990) and in Frontiers in Condensed Matter Theory, eds. M. Lax, L.P. Gor'kov and J.L. Birman, AIP Conf. Proc. 213 (New York Academy of Sciences, New York, 1990).
  • “Photon Propagation and the Statistics of Electromagnetic Modes in Random Media,” A. Z. Genack, N. Garcia, J.H. Li, W. Polkosnik and J. M. Drake, Physica A 168, 387 (1990).
  • “Universality of Wave Propagation in Random Media,” A. Z. Genack, Europhys. Lett. 11, 733 (1990).
  • “Fluctuations, Correlation and Average Transport of Electromagnetic Radiation in Random Media,” A. Z. Genack, in The Scattering and Localization of Classical Waves, ed. P. Sheng, p. 207-311, (World Scientific, Singapore, 1990).
  • “Relationship between Optical Intensity Fluctuations and Pulse Propagation in Random Media,” A. Z. Genack and J. M. Drake, Europhys. Lett. 11, 331 (1990).
  • “Observation of Nonclassical Optical Diffusion” J. M. Drake and A. Z. Genack, Phys. Rev. Lett. 63, 259 (1989).
  • “Photolysis of p-Nitrobenzoic Acid on Roughened Silver Surfaces” S. Sun, R. L. Birke, J. R. Lombardi, K. P. Leung and A. Z. Genack, J. Phys. Chem. 92, 5965 (1988).
  • “Relaxation and Line Broadening of Optical Phonons in Crystalline Ge,” A. Z. Genack, L. Ye and C. B. Roxlo, in Ultrafast Probe Phenomena in Bulk and Microstructure Semiconductors II, SPIE v. 942, 130 (1988).
  • “Electromagnetic Propagation in Disordered Dielectric Media,” A. Z. Genack, J. Zhu, L. A. Ferrari and N. Garcia, Advances in Laser Science III eds. A.C. Tam, S. L. Gole and W. C. Stwalley (AIP Conf. Proc. (1988) p. 481.
  • “Suppression of Molecular Interactions in Periodic Dielectric Structures,” G. Kurizki and A. Z. Genack, Phys. Rev. Lett. 61, 2269 (1988).
  • “Optical Transmission in Disordered Media,” A. Z. Genack, Phys. Rev. Lett. 58, 2043 (1987).
  • “Electro Optic Phase Detection of Optical Emission and Scattering,” A Z. Genack, Appl. Phys. Lett. 46, 341 (1985).
  • “Fluorescence Suppression by Phase-Resolved Modulation Raman Scattering,” A. Z. Genack, Anal. Chem. 56, 2957 (1984).
  • ”Electro-Optic Phase-Sensitive Detection of Optical Emission and Scattering,” A. Z. Genack, Ultrafast Phenomena IV, eds., D. H. Auston and D. B. Eisenthal, Springer Series in Chemical Physics 38, (Springer-Verlag, 1984) p. 72.
  • “Phase-Sensitive Detection of Emission and Scattering by Electro-Optic Demodulation,” A. Z. Genack, J. of Luminescence 31/32, 696 (1984).
  • “Mie Scattering Interferometer and Its Application to The Study of Raman Scattering From Molecules at a Mercury Interface,” A. Z. Genack, K. P. Leung, H. W. Deckman, P. Chandra and J. I. Gersten, Appl. Optics 23, 4410 (1984).
  • “Measurement of Optical Dephasing by Double Phase Switching,” A. Z. Genack, K. P. Leung and A. Schenzle, Phys. Rev. A 28, 308 (1983).
  • “Inelastic Mie Scattering from Rough Metal Surfaces,” D.A. Weitz, T.J. Gramila and A. Z. Genack, "Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering," Ed. by R. K. Chang and T. E. Furtak, 339 (Plenum Publishing, 1982).
  • “Pulse Formation and Amplification in an Absorbing Medium by Optical Phase Switching,” R. O. Brickman, A. Z. Genack and A. Schenzle, "Proc. Int. Conf. on Lasers '81," Ed. by G.B. Collins, 822 (STS Press, 1982).
  • “Transmission Transients Induced by Optical Phase Switching,” A. Schenzle, R. O. Brickman, K. P. Leung and A. Z. Genack, J. Lumin. 26, 437 (1982).
  • “Role of Surface Roughness in Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering,” D. A. Weitz, T. J. Gramila, A. Z. Genack and J. I. Gersten, J. Opt. Soc. Am. 70, 1411 (1980).
  • "Inelastic Mie Scattering from Rough Metal Surfaces: Theory and Experiment," J. I. Gersten, D. A. Weitz, T. J. Gramila and A. Z. Genack, Phys. Rev. B 22, 4562 (1980).
  • “Anomalous Low-Frequency Raman Scattering from Rough Metal Surfaces and the Origin of Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering,” D. A. Weitz, T. J. Gramila, A. Z. Genack and J. I. Gersten, Phys. Rev. Lett. 45, 355, (1980).
  • “Nuclear-Quadrupole Optical Hole-Burning in the Stoichiometric Material EuP5O14,” R. M. Macfarlane, R. M. Shelby, A. Z. Genack and D. A. Weitz, Opt. Lett. 5, 462 (1980).
  • “Coherent Transients by Optical Phase Switching,” A. Schenzle, R. M. Macfarlane, R. M. Shelby, D. A. Weitz and A. Z. Genack, J. Opt. Soc. Am. 70, 1391 (1980).
  • “Coherent Transients by Optical Phase Switching: Dephasing in LaCl3Pr3+,” A. Z. Genack, D. A. Weitz, R. M. Macfarlane, R. M. Shelby and A. Schenzle, Phys. Rev. Lett. 45, 438 (1980).
  • “Electro-Optic Generation of Coherent Optical Transients,” D. Anafi and A. Z. Genack, Active optical devices; Proceedings of the Seminar, San Diego, Calif., August 27, 28, 1979. (A80-44493 19-74) Bellingham, Wash., SPIE, p. 79-81 (1980).
  • “Optical Free Induction Decay Measurements of Low Temperature Dephasing in Pr3+:LaF3,” R. M. Macfarlane, A. Z. Genack, S. Kano and R. G. Brewer, J. Lumin. 18, 933 (1979).
  • “Optical Free Induction Decay of the F3+ Center in NaF,” R. M. Macfarlane, A. Z. Genack and R. G. Brewer, Phys. Rev. B 17, 2821 (1978).
  • “Optical Coherent Transients by Laser Frequency Switching,” A. Z. Genack and R. G. Brewer, Phys. Rev. A 17, 1463 (1978).
  • “Coherent Transients and Pulse Fourier Transform Spectroscopy,” R. G. Brewer, A. Z. Genack and S. B. Grossman, "Laser Spectroscopy III," Ed. by J. L. Hall and J. L. Carlsten, 220 (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1977).
  • “Homogenous Linewidth of the S1 7 SO Transition of Free-Base Porphyrin in an n-Octane Crystal as Studied by Photochemical Hole-Burning,” S. Volker, R. M. Macfarlane, A. Z. Genack, H. P. Trommsdorff and J. H. van der Waals, J. Chem. Phys. 67, 1759 (1977).
  • “Spectroscopy of Excited Yellow Exciton States in Cu2O by Forbidden Resonant Raman Scattering,” M. A. Washington, A. Z. Genack, H. Z. Cummins, R. Bruce, A. Compaan and R. A. Forman, Phys. Rev. B 15, 2145 (1977).
  • “Optical Free Induction Decay in Pr3+:LaF3.” A. Z. Genack, R. M. Macfarlane and R. G. Brewer, Phys. Rev. Lett. 37, 1078 (1976).
  • “Optical Coherent Transients by Laser Frequency Switching,” R. G. Brewer and A. Z. Genack, "Tunable Lasers and Applications," 218 (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1976).
  • “Optical Coherent Transients by Laser Frequency Switching,” R. G. Brewer and A. Z. Genack, Phys. Rev. Lett. 36, 959 (1976).
  • “Experimental Tests of the Quadrupole - Dipole Raman Scattering Tensor in Cu2O,” A. Compaan, A. Z. Genack, H. Z. Cummins and M. A. Washington, "Light Scattering in Solids III," 39 (Flammarion, Paris, 1976). Ed. by M. Balkanski, R. C. C. Leite and S. P. S. Porto.
  • “Symmetry-Forbidden Resonant Raman Scattering From Polar Phonons in Cu2O,” A. Z. Genack, H. Z. Cummins, M. A. Washington and A. Compaan, "Light Scattering in Solids III," by M. Balkanski, R. C. C. Leite and S. P. S. Porto, 34 (Flammarion, Paris, 1976).
  • “First Order Resonant Raman Scattering in the Yellow Exciton Series of Cu2O,” M. A. Washington, A. Z. Genack, H. Z. Cummins and A. Compaan, "Light Scattering in Solids III," Ed. by M. Balkanski, R.C.C. Leite and S. P. S. Porto, 29 (Flammarion, Paris, 1976).
  • “Dipole Energy Dissipation and Nuclear Spin Diffusion in Mixed-State Superconducting Vanadium,” A. Z. Genack, Phys. Rev. B 13, 68 (1976).
  • “Quadrupole-Dipole Raman Scattering at the 1S Yellow Exciton in Cu2O,” A. Z. Genack, H. Z. Cummins, M.A. Washington and A. Compaan, Phys. Rev. B 12, 2478 (1975).
  • “Theory of Nuclear Spin Diffusion in a Spatially Varying Magnetic Field,” A. Z. Genack and A. G. Redfield, Phys. Rev. B 12, 78 (1975).
  • “Modulated Emission in Iodine Vapor,” A. Z. Genack, P. Mitra and A. Schenzle, Advances in Laser Science I, eds. W. C. Stwalley and M. Lapp (AIP Conf. Proc. 1986) p. 433.
  • “Nuclear Spin-Spin Relaxation in Superconducting Mixed-State Vanadium," A. Z. Genack and A. G. Redfield, “Low Temperature Physics - LT13,” Ed. by K. D. Timmerhaus, W. S. O'Sullivan and E. F. Hammel, V. 3, page 69, (Plenum Press, New York, 1974).
  • “Nuclear Spin Diffusion and its Thermodynamic Quenching in the Field Gradients of a Type II Superconductor,” A. Z. Genack and A. G. Redfield, Phys. Rev. Lett. 31, 1204 (1973).