

Lev G. Murokh, Professor

Quantum Theory of Nanostructures

(718) 997-4893, SB B218
1996 - Ph. D. in Physics, N. Lobachevsky State University (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia), Department of Physics
1991 - M. Sc. in Radiophysics and Electronics, N. Lobachevsky State University (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia), Department of Radiophysics
PHYS 345 - Solid State Physics
PHYS 635 - Condensed Matter Physics
PHYS 646 - Physics of Semiconductors

Prof. Murokh has established a vigorous research program addressing charge and energy transfer at the nanoscale both in conventional semiconductor nanostructures and especially in living organisms. The main object of these studies, living organisms at the nanoscale, can be viewed as molecular complexes, whose dynamics is often controlled by the transfer of single charges or single-photon absorption events. In many senses, it is similar to the principles of operation of semiconductor nanostructures and elements of molecular electronics. In the interdisciplinary research of Prof. Murokh, combining biological, physical, material, and engineering sciences, this similarity is explored. The goals are (i) to shed light on the processes occurring in biological systems, (ii) to enable mimicking these processes in physical systems, which are easier to control and to access experimentally, and (iii) to facilitate building electronic and photonic devices combining with the machinery of life. These studies are based on his recent works in conventional nanoelelctronics performed in collaboration with various experimentalists, such as Prof. J. Bird (University at Buffalo), Prof. R. Blick (Hamburg University, Germany), Profs. I. Kuskovsky and F. Cadieu (Queens College). Recently, a project concerning heavy-duty capacitors based on organic supramolecules is started in collaboration with Dr. Pavel Lazarev (Capacitors Sciences, Inc., Palo Alto, CA). In another new project with Profs. M. Vittadello (Medgar Evers College of CUNY) and S. Minteer (University of Utah), hybrid structures combining artificial and natural parts in the same nanodevice will be explored.


  1. A. Yu. Smirnov, G. F. Efremov, L. G. Mourokh, and S. N. Zheltov, "Problems in Quantum Mechanics with Solutions", N. Lobachevsky State University Press, Nizhny Novgorod, 1997 [in Russian].


  1. L. G. Mourokh and A. Yu. Smirnov, "Nanoelectromechanical Oscillator as an Open Quantum System", in: Handbook on Nano- and Molecular Electronics, Ed. Sergey Lyshevsky, Taylor and Francis, 2007, Ch.22. 

Articles in the peer-reviewed journals:

  1. L. Mourokh, Y. Li, R. Gianan, and P. Lazarev, Nonlinear Organic Dielectrics for Energy Storage Applications, Mat. Sci. Appl. 10, 33 (2019).
  2. S. J. Hein, C. Edder, M. Kowalczyk, A. Borzenko, L. Mourokh, and P. Lazarev, Perylene bisbenzimidazole nonlinear dielectric material for energy storage, RSC Adv. 9, 361 (2019).
  3. L. Mourokh, C. Edder, W. Mack, and P. Lazarev, Molecular Materials for Energy Storage, Mat. Sci. Appl. 9, 517 (2018).
  4. A. Borzenko, C. Edder, L. Mourokh, and P. Lazarev, Rylene Dielectrophores for Capacitive Energy Storage, Mat. Sci. Appl. 9, 534 (2018).
  5. L. Mourokh and P. Lazarev, Energy storage: Dielectrophores - molecules with non-linear polarizability, Adv. Mat. Sci. 17, 15 (2017).
  6. D. Kaur, I. Filonenko, L. Mourokh, C. Fendler, and R. H. Blick, Stochastic resonance in a proton pumping Complex-I of mitochondria membranes, Sci. Reports 7, 12405 (2017).
  7. L. Mourokh, A. Wixforth, F. Beil, M. Bichler, W. Wegscheider, and R. H. Blick, Dynamic Rabi oscillations in a quantum dot embedded in a nanobridge in the presence of surface acoustic waves, J. Phys.: Conf. Series 906, 012009 (2017).
  8. L. G. Mourokh, P. Ivanushkin, D. J. Kreft, H. Shin, M. Bichler, W. Wegscheider, P. Zhao, L. Tiemann, and R. H. Blick, Effects of electron confinement on the acoustoelectric current in suspended quantum point contacts, Appl. Phys. Lett. 110, 223102 (2017).
  9. I. L. Kuskovsky, L. G. Mourokh, B. Roy, H. Ji, S. Dhomkar, J. Ludwig, D. Smirnov, and M. C. Tamargo, Decoherence in semiconductor nanostructures with type-II band alignment: All-optical measurements using Aharonov-Bohm excitons, Phys. Rev. B 95, 165445 (2017).
  10. F. J. Cadieu and L. Murokh, Nanometer Thick Diffused Hafnium and Titanium Oxide Light Sensing Film Structures, World Journal of Condensed Matter Physics 7, 36 (2017).
  11. D. J. Kreft, L. G. Mourokh, H. Shin, M. Bichler, W. Wegscheider, and R. H. Blick, Giant acoustoelectric current in suspended quantum point contacts, Phys. Rev. B 94, 235305 (2016).
  12. L. Mourokh and F. Nori, Energy transfer efficiency in the chromophore network strongly coupled to a vibrational mode, Phys. Rev. E 92, 052720 (2015).
  13. L. Mourokh and S. Lloyd, Optimal rates for electron transfer in Marcus theory, Phys. Rev. E 88, 042819 (2013).
  14. S. Xiao, S. Xiang, Y. Yoon, M.-G. Kang, M. Kida, N.Aoki, J. L. Reno, Y. Ochiai, L. Mourokh, J. Fransson, and J. P. Bird, Talking through the continuum: New manifestations of Fano-resonance phenomenology realized with mesoscopic nanostructures, Progr. Phys. 61, 348 (2013).
  15. S. Ishmail, P.Ivanushkin, and L Mourokh, Proton transport through D- and H-channels in the bovine heart cytochrome c oxidase, Phys. Scr. T151, 014069 (2012).
  16. L. Mourokh, P. Ivanushkin, Y. Yoon, N. Aoki, Y. Ochiai, and J. P. Bird, Multi-continuum Fano resonance in coupled quantum point contacts: A manifestation of the “integral” Fano formula, J. Appl. Phys. 112, 103704 (2012).
  17. Y. Yoon, M.-G. Kang, T. Morimoto, M. Kida, N. Aoki, J. L. Reno, Y. Ochiai, L. Mourokh, J. Fransson, and J. P. Bird, Coupling quantum states through the continuum: a mesoscopic multi-state Fano resonance, Phys. Rev. X 2, 021003 (2012).
  18. J. Yu. Romanova, E. V. Demidov, L. G. Mourokh, and Yu. A. Romanov, Zener tunneling in semiconductor superlattices, J. Phys.: Cond. Matt. 23, 305801 (2011).
  19. A. Yu. Smirnov, L. G. Mourokh, and F. Nori, Electrostatic models of electron-driven proton transfer across a lipid membrane, J. Phys.: Cond. Matt. 23, 234101 (2011).
  20. L. Mourokh, P. Ivanushkin, and J. Bird, Localized State in Quantum Point Contacts: Possible Qubit Implementation? J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci. 8, 391 (2011).
  21. A. Yu. Smirnov, L. G. Mourokh, P. K. Ghosh, and F. Nori, High-Efficiency Energy Conversion in a Molecular Triad Connected to Conducting Leads, J. Phys. Chem. C 113, 21218 (2009).
  22. J. P. Bird and L. G. Mourokh, Localizing and detecting single spins in semiconductor nanostructures, Nanotechnology Perceptions 5, 61 (2009).
  23. Y. Yoon, M.-G. Kang, P. Ivanushkin, L. Mourokh, T. Morimoto, N. Aoki, J. L. Reno, Y. Ochiai, and J. P. Bird, Non-local bias spectroscopy of the self-consistent bound state in quantum point contacts near pinch-off, Appl. Phys. Lett. 94, 213103 (2009).
  24. A. Yu. Smirnov, L. G. Mourokh, and F. Nori, Kinetics of proton pumping in cytochrome c oxidase, J. Chem. Phys. 130, 235105 (2009).
  25. A. Yu. Smirnov, L. G. Mourokh, S. Savel'ev, and F. Nori, Bio-mimicking rotary nanomotors, Proc. of SPIE 7364, 73640D (2009). 
  26. Yu. A. Romanov, J. Yu. Romanova, and L. G. Mourokh, Electron Bloch oscillations and electromagnetic transparency of semiconductor superlattices in multi-frequency electric fields, Phys. Rev. B 79, 245320 (2009).
  27. Y. Yoon, M.-G. Kang, T. Morimoto, L. Mourokh, N. Aoki, J. L. Reno, J. P. Bird, and Y. Ochiai, Detector backaction on the self-consistent bound state in quantum point contacts, Phys. Rev. B 79, 121304(R) (2009).
  28. A. Yu. Smirnov, S. Savel'ev, L. G. Mourokh, and F. Nori, Proton transport and torque generation in rotary biomotors, Phys. Rev. E 78, 031921 (2008)
  29. J. W. Song, N. A. Kabir, Y. Kawano, K. Ishibashi, G. Aizin, L. G. Mourokh, J. L. Reno, A. G. Markelz, and J. P. Bird, Terahertz response in quantum point contacts, Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 223115 (2008)
  30. A. Ramamoorthy, L. Mourokh, J. P. Bird, and J. L. Reno, Tunneling spectroscopy of a ballistic quantum wire, Phys. Rev. B 78, 035335 (2008).
  31. Y. Yoon, T. Morimoto, L. Mourokh, N. Aoki, Y. Ochiai, J. L. Reno, and J. P. Bird, Detecting Bound Spins Using Coupled Quantum Point Contacts, J. Phys.: Cond. Matter 20, 164216 (2008), invited paper for the special issue on “0.7 anomaly”.
  32. J. R. Johansson, L. G. Mourokh, A. Yu. Smirnov, and F. Nori, Enhancing the Conductance of a Two-Electron Quantum Shuttle, Phys. Rev. B 77, 035428 (2008).
  33. A. Yu. Smirnov, L. G. Mourokh, and F. Nori, Förster mechanism of electron-driven proton pumps, Phys. Rev. E 77, 011919 (2008).
  34. A. Yu. Smirnov, L. G. Mourokh, and F. Nori, Resonant energy transfer in electron-driven proton pumps, Phys. stat. sol. (c) 5, 398 (2008).
  35. A. Yu. Smirnov, S. Savel'ev, L. G. Mourokh, and F. Nori, Modeling chemical reactions using semiconductor quantum dots, Europhys. Lett. 80, 67008 (2007).
  36. Y. Yoon, L. Mourokh, T. Morimoto, N. Aoki, Y. Ochiai, J. L. Reno, and J. P. Bird, Probing the microscopic structure of bound states in quantum point contacts, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 136805 (2007).
  37. I. L. Kuskovsky, W. MacDonald, A. O. Govorov, L. G. Mourokh, X. Wei, M. C. Tamargo, M. Tadic, and F. M. Peeters, Optical Signature of Aharonov-Bohm Phase in Multilayer Structures with Type II Quantum Dots, Phys. Rev. B 76, 035342 (2007).
  38. L. Mourokh, A. Smirnov, J. Bird, and M. Stopa, Fano resonances in the system of coupled quantum point contatcs, J. Comp.-Aided Mat. Design 14, 97 (2007).
  39. L. G. Mourokh, A. Yu. Smirnov, and S. F. Fischer, Vertically-coupled quantum wires in a longitudinal magnetic field, Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 132108 (2007).
  40. Yu. A. Romanov, J. Yu. Romanova, and L. G. Mourokh, Semiconductor superlattice in a biharmonic field: Absolute negative conductivity and static electric field generation, J. Appl. Phys. 99, 013707 (2006).
  41. L. G. Mourokh, V. I. Puller, A. Yu. Smirnov, and J. P. Bird, Implementation of Fano resonance in the quantum point contact for the single-spin readout, Appl. Phys. Lett. 87, 192501 (2005).
  42. V. I. Puller, L. G. Mourokh, J. P. Bird, and Y. Ochiai, Influence of Magnetic Moment Formation on the Conductance of Coupled Quantum Wires, J. Phys.: Cond. Matt. 17, 5269 (2005).
  43. L. G. Mourokh and A. Yu. Smirnov, Negative differential conductivity and population inversion in the double-dot system connected to three terminals, Phys. Rev. B 72, 033310 (2005).
  44. A. Yu. Smirnov and L. G. Mourokh, Optically induced spin polarization of an electric current through a quantum dot, Phys. Rev. B 71, 161305(R) (2005).
  45. L. G. Mourokh and A. Yu. Smirnov, Relaxation of a Nuclear Spin Placed on a Biased Nanomechanical Oscillator, IEEE Trans. on Nanotechnology 4, 96 (2005).
  46. V. I. Puller, L. G. Mourokh, A. Shailos, and J. P. Bird, Electron Dynamics in a Coupled Quantum Point Contact Structure with Local Magnetic Moment, IEEE Trans. on Nanotechnology 4, 21 (2005).
  47. G. R. Aizin, N. J. M. Horing, L. G. Mourokh, and V. M. Kovalev, Current driven electromagnetic wave amplification by a double quantum wire superlattice, J. Appl. Phys. 96, 4225 (2004).
  48. A. Yu. Smirnov, L. G. Mourokh, and N. J. M. Horing, Temperature dependence of electron transport through a quantum shuttle, Phys. Rev. B 69, 155310 (2004).
  49. L. G. Mourokh, V. M. Kovalev, and N. J. M. Horing, Control of Bond Formation, Electron Transport, and Interference in a Biased Asymmetric Parallel Double-Dot System, J. Appl. Phys 95, 3557 (2004).
  50. V. I. Puller, L. G. Mourokh, A. Shailos, and J. P. Bird, Detection of local-moment formation using the resonant interaction between coupled quantum wires, Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 096802 (2004).
  51. L. Malikova, F. H. Pollak, R. A. Masut, P. Desjardins, and L. G. Mourokh, Temperature dependent contactless electroreflectance study of intersubband transitions in a self-assembled InAs/InP (001) quantum dot structure, J. Appl. Phys. 94, 4995 (2003).
  52. A. Yu. Smirnov, L. G. Mourokh, and N. J. M. Horing, Equilibrium and nonequilibrium fluctuations of nanomechanical oscillator coupled to a tunnel junction, Physica E, 19, 58 (2003).
  53. Yu. A. Romanov, L. G. Mourokh, and N. J. M. Horing, Negative high-frequency differential conductivity in semiconductor superlattices, J. Appl. Phys. 93, 4596 (2003).
  54. V. I. Puller, L. G. Mourokh, N. J. M. Horing, and A. Yu. Smirnov, Electron Spin Relaxation in a Semiconductor Quantum Well, Phys. Rev. B 67, 155309 (2003).
  55. A. Yu. Smirnov, L. G. Mourokh, and N. J. M. Horing, Nonequilibrium Fluctuations and Decoherence in Nanomechanical Devices Coupled to the Tunnel Junction, Phys. Rev. B 67, 115312 (2003).
  56. A. Yu. Smirnov, L. G. Mourokh, and N. J. M. Horing, Current-Voltage Characteristics and Magnetic Moment of a Tunnel-Coupled Double-Wire Structure, Phys. Rev. B 67, 113312 (2003).
  57. V. I. Puller, L. G. Mourokh, N. J. M. Horing, and A. Yu. Smirnov, Theory of Open Quantum Systems as Applied to Spin Relaxation in Solids, Problems of Modern Statistical Physics 1, 63 (2002).
  58. L. G. Mourokh, N. J. M. Horing, and A. Yu. Smirnov, Electron Transport through a Parallel Double-Dot System in the Presence of Aharonov-Bohm Flux and Phonon Scattering, Phys. Rev. B 66, 085332 (2002).
  59. Yu. A. Romanov, J. Yu. Romanova, L. G. Mourokh, and N. J. M. Horing, Self-induced and induced transparencies of two-dimensional and three-dimensional superlattices, Phys. Rev. B 66, 045319 (2002).
  60. N. J. M. Horing, V. I. Puller, L. G. Mourokh, and Yu. A. Romanov, Green's Function for a Schroedinger Electron in a One-Dimensional Superlattice Miniband with Axial Electric and Magnetic Fields, Phys. Rev. B 66, 035304 (2002).
  61. G. R. Aizin, N. J. M. Horing, and L. G. Mourokh, Current-driven plasma instabilities in parallel quantum-wire systems, Phys. Rev. B 65, 241311(R) (2002).
  62. L. G. Mourokh, A. Yu. Smirnov, V. I. Puller, and N. J. M. Horing, Electron relaxation dynamics and Aharonov-Bohm phase control of transport through a parallel double-dot device, Physica B 334, 503 (2002).
  63. D. I. Florescu, L. G. Mourokh, F. H. Pollak, D. C. Look, G. Cantwell, and X. Li, High spatial resolution thermal conductivity investigation of bulk ZnO (0001), J. Appl. Phys. 91, 890 (2002).
  64. L. G. Mourokh, A. Yu. Smirnov, V. I. Puller, and H. J. M. Horing, Dephasing in one-dimensional quantum systems as a result of ensemble averaging, Phys. Lett. A 288, 49 (2001).
  65. V. I. Puller, H. J. M. Horing, L. G. Mourokh, and A. Yu. Smirnov, Wave packet dynamics in a one-dimensional superlattice, Phys. Lett. A 281, 70 (2001).
  66. Yu. A. Romanov, J. Yu. Romanova, L. G. Mourokh, and H. J. M. Horing, Nonlinear terahertz oscillations in a semiconductor superlattice, J. Appl. Phys. 89, 3835 (2001).
  67. L. G. Mourokh, A. Yu. Smirnov, and N. J. M. Horing, Domain formation in a one-dimensional superlattice, Appl. Phys. Lett. 78, 1412 (2001).
  68. L. G. Mourokh, L. Malikova, F. H. Pollak, B. Q. Shi, and C. Nguyen, Photoreflectance Characterization of an AlInAs/GaInAs Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor Structure with a Chirped Superlattice, J. Appl. Phys. 89, 2500 (2001).
  69. A. Yu. Smirnov, N. J. M. Horing, and L. G. Mourokh, Aharonov-Bohm Phase Effect and Inelastic Scattering in Transport through a Parallel Tunnel-Coupled Symmetric Double-Dot Device, Appl. Phys. Lett. 77, 2578 (2000).
  70. L. G. Mourokh, A. Yu. Smirnov, and N. J. M. Horing, Diffusion in a one-dimensional superlattice, Phys. Lett. A 269, 175 (2000).
  71. A. Yu. Smirnov, N. J. M. Horing, and L. G. Mourokh, Relaxation to a bistable state in a quantum cell, J. Appl. Phys. 87, 4525 (2000).
  72. L. G. Mourokh, Electromagnetic wave effects on electron-phonon scattering in semiconductor quantum wires, Physica B 252, 21 (1998).
  73. L. G. Mourokh and A. Yu. Smirnov, Theory of the electron transport in a superlattice miniband, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 10, 3213 (1998).
  74. L. G. Mourokh, Current-voltage instability in free-standing semiconductor quantum wires, Phys. Rev. B 57, 6297 (1998).
  75. A. Yu. Smirnov and L. G. Mourokh, Electrophonon resonance and localization in a superlattice miniband, Phys. Lett. A 231, 429 (1997).
  76. L. G. Mourokh, Temperature dependence of electron mobility in semiconductor quantum wires: Fluctuation effects, J. Phys: Condens. Matter 9, 8489 (1997).
  77. L. G. Mourokh and S. N. Zheltov, Nonlinear transport and fluctuations in polar semiconductors. Physica B 228, 305 (1996).
  78. G. F. Efremov, L. G. Mourokh, and A. Yu. Smirnov, Noise-induced relaxation of quantum oscillator interacting with a thermal bath. Phys. Lett. A 175, 89 (1993).