

David Goldberg, Lecturer


(718) 997-3147, SB B204
B.S. in Physics and Mathematics, Queens College - CUNY, 2006
M.A. in Physics, Queens College - CUNY, 2010
Ph.D. in Physics, The Graduate Center - CUNY, 2012
PHYS 121.4 - General Physics I
PHYS 275 - Intro to Scientific Computing
PHYS 661 - Computational Methods in Physics

  1. "Nanocrystal fluorescence in photonic bandgap microcavities and plasmonic nanoantennas," S. G. Lukishova, J. M. Winkler, D. Mihaylova, A. Liapis, L. J. Bissell, D. Goldberg, V. M. Menon, Z. Shi, R. W. Boyd, G. Chen, and P. Prasad, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 594 012005 (2015).
  2. "Origin of coupled-microcavity-mediated all-optical electromagnetically induced transparency," A. Naweed, D. Goldberg, and V. M. Menon, Optics Express, 22, 18818 (2014).
  3. "Slow Light Enhanced Singlet Exciton Fission Solar Cells with a 126% Yield of Electrons per Photon," N. J. Thompson, D. N. Congreve, D. Goldberg, V. M. Menon, and M. A. Baldo, Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 263302 (2013).
  4. "Formation of microcavity polaritons in ZnO nanoparticles," X. Liu, D. Goldberg, and V. M. Menon, Optics Express, 21, 20620 (2013).
  5. "Enhanced amplified spontaneous emission from colloidal quantum dots in all-dielectric monolithic microcavities," D. Goldberg, and V. M. Menon, Applied Physics Letter, 102, 081119 (2013).
  6. "Exciton lattice polaritons  in multiple quantum well based photonic crystals," D. Goldberg, L. Deych, A. Lisyansky, Z. Shi, V. Tokranov, M. Yakimov, S. Oktyabrsky, and V. M. Menon, Nature Photonics 3, 662 (2009).

Conference Presentations:
  1. 23rd International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'14), Sofia, Bulgaria, July 14-18, 2014.
    • "Nanocrystals in photonic bandgap microcavities and plasmonic nanoantennas for single-photon source applications," J.M. Winkler, L.J. Bissell, D. Goldberg, V.M. Menon, Z. Shi, R.W. Boyd, G. Chen, P. Prasad
  2. Quantum Information and Measurement, Rochester, NY, June 17-20, 2013.
    • "Room-Temperature Single Photon Source: Nanocrystals in Photonic Bandgap Microcavities," J. Winkler, S. G. Lukishova, L. Bissell, D. Goldberg, and V. M. Menon
  3. CLEO: Science and Innovations, San Jose, CA, June 9-14, 2013.
    • "Room temperature formation of microcavity polaritons in ZnO nanoparticles," X. Liu,
      D. Goldberg, and V. M. Menon
  4. 2012 MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, November 25-30, 2012.
    • "Observation of Strong Exciton-photon Coupling in ZnO Nanoparticle Based Dielectric Microcavity at Room Temperature," X. Liu, D. Goldberg, V. M. Menon
  5. Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science (FiO/LS) 2012, Rochester, NY, October 15-18, 2012.
    • "Quantum Dot Single-photon Source in a Bragg Reflector Microcavity," L. J. Bissell,
      D. Goldberg, S. G. Lukishova, and V. M. Menon
  6. IEEE Photonics Society International Conference on Optical MEMS & Nanophotonics (OMN 2012), Banff, Canada, August 6-9, 2012.
    • "Enhanced Gain in Colloidal Quantum Dots in All-Dielectric Microcavities," D. Goldberg, and V. M. Menon
  7. IEEE Photonics Society Winter Topical, Keystone, CO, January 10-12, 2011.
    • "Colloidal quantum dot based photonic devices," N. Okoye, D. Goldberg, S. Husaini,
      Y. Fein and V. M. Menon
  8. Reconfigurable Systems Workshop, Albuquerque, NM, November 8-10, 2010.
    • "Reconfigurable optical elements based on single and coupled microresonators,"
      V. Shuvayev, D. Goldberg, M. Luberto, L. Deych, A. Lisyansky, I. Kuskovsky, and V. M. Menon
  9. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and Quantum Electronics and Laser Science (CLEO/QELS), San Jose, CA, May 16-21, 2010.
    • "Bloch-polaritons in multiple-quantum-well photonic crystal structures,"  D. Goldberg,
      L. Deych, A. Lisyansky, Z. Shi, V. Tokranov, M. Yakimov, S. Oktyabrsky, and V. M. Menon
  10. Physics of Light-Matter Coupling in Nanostructures, PLMCN 2010 (Cuernavaca, Mexico), 12-16 April, 2010.
    • "Bloch-polaritons in multiple-quantum-well photonic crystals," D. Goldberg, L. Deych,
      A. Lisyansky, Z. Shi, V. Tokranov, M. Yakimov, S. Oktyabrsky, and V. M. Menon
  11. International Conference on Optics of Excitons in Confined Systems (OECS11), Madrid, Spain, September 7-11, 2009.
    • "Exciton lattice polaritons in multiple quantum well photonic crystal structures,"
      D. Goldberg, L. Deych, A. Lisyansky, Z. Shi, V. Tokranov, M. Yakimov, S. Oktyabrsky, and V. M. Menon
  12. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and Quantum Electronics and Laser Science (CLEO/QELS), San Jose, CA, May 31-June 5, 2009.
    • "Tuning of Coherent Interaction in a Resonant Photonic Crystal Using an External Electric Field," D. Goldberg, L. Deych, A. Lisyansky, Z. Shi, V. Tokranov, M. Yakimov,
      S. Oktyabrsky, and V. M. Menon
  13. Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science (FiO/LS) 2008, Rochester, NY, October 19-23, 2008.
    • "Exciton-Polaritons in Double-Quantum-Well Based Resonant Photonic Crystals,"
      D. Goldberg, L. Deych, V. M. Menon, A. Lisyansky, V. Tokranov, M. Yakimov, and S. Oktyabrsky